Brisk Me Away


Annie-1 month!

Baby girl is a month old! It's hard to believe she's been here that long, yet she also kind of seems like she's always been a part of our family! Steven and I both agree that the transition from 1 child to 2 has been SO much easier than the transition was from 0 to 1!
Annie is doing great. She seems to be an overall easy, laid back little one. When she does get worked up, though, look out! She has lungs and knows how to use them!:) She doesn't really like the car, especially when we are sitting still, but with all of the going we do she's just going to have to get used to that. She has done well with tummy time. Gets upset after a bit, but will work and work at first to get that head up. She hates hiccups-they make her mad and cry. She sleeps a lot during the day still, but her awake time is fun, because we get to see her eyes and interact with her. Henry will say, "Annie is awake, Mommy. She's not sleeping. Annie's happy. I see her eyes!" She's given us some sweet smiles and loves to stare at the fan and the black frame/white mat picture above the sofa.
Annie is a paci girl during the day, but not really in the night. She will use it sometimes while going to bed, but usually refuses it in the night when I offer it to her. She uses that tongue a lot, and will poke that paci out quick! 
I worked really hard with Henry as an infant to stretch his feedings to at least 3 hours apart. Sometimes Annie does this, but I just haven't emphasized it like I did with him. With a 2 yr old running around, it just isn't as feasible, and I am OK with that. I have to feed her when I can, and sometimes her feedings just aren't as long as his were able to be. As for nights, she is eating at least twice in the night. I finish feeding her about 10, then she wakes up about 4 hours later and eats again. After this, she seems to go about 2 hours, so she eats again at about 4. Sometimes it is  more like 1 and 3. She doesn't really cry in the night, but I can hear her moving around since she is in the bassinet in our room currently. The early mornings are a little rough, because she seems to get out of that deeper sleep and is more restless and makes all kinds of "baby" noises...squeaks, yawns, grunts, moving her feet, sucking on her hands, etc. We say sometimes she sounds like a baby goat with some of the noises she makes! She is very strong and gets out of her swaddle pretty easily! I think she's stronger than Henry was at this age.
She's bigger, too! At Annie's 2 week appointment, she was doing super. Her stats were:
8 pounds, 11 ounces-75%
22 inches-90%
35 cm (head circumference)-50%
Annie has had a very busy first month. I have felt great, so we have been able to stay on the go. I just put her in the Ergo carrier, and she is happy! Having a summer baby has been a little trickier because of the heat, but I am learning! She conks right out in it, because she's so cozy, even if she is sweaty!
Annie has dimples like her brother. Her right one is stronger than her left, just like him. I can't wait to see what that little face will turn out like! We love you little girl, and we are having so much fun getting to know you!! We are looking forward to each day ahead with you!

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