Brisk Me Away


Birthday Celebrations

Well, now that Henry's birthday celebrations are 6 weeks behind us, I figure I need to blog about it! I have felt so behind on the blog, but I just have to give myself permission to run late on it! It is better than not at all, right? We had such a fun time celebrating Henry's second birthday. His actual birthday was exhausting, because we had been at the allergist the day before and the day of for his egg allergy testing that lasted all the way through his afternoon nap. He was a trooper, and we made it through with an all clear on his allergy, so it was worth it in the end! Then on March 1st, we had his actual birthday party with friends and family. Henry had lots of fun!!
                        We took Henry for pizza and afterward to get his very own ice cream at Baskin Robbins.
Henry was a BIG fan of getting his own serving with a cup and spoon!

Big two year old!

Afterward we came home and opened gifts. Henry was totally enthralled with the tool set we gave him.

He especially LOVED the electric drill he got. Look at that sweet little smile.

I was surprised at all the tool names he knew! He loved talking about them with Steven, and we felt bad tearing him away from the to make him go to bed right after he had just opened them!

We tried to get a family shot, but in each one he wanted to show off his drill and would put it right in front of his face!
The next morning, after I got Henry ready for school, he and I were going downstairs (our regular routine) to get breakfast. He seemed to be racing down them and I commented on how fast he was going! He also kept saying what I thought was "new diaper", and I kept saying, "No buddy, we already changed your diaper!". When we got downstairs, he ran straight into the living room and to his "screw driver" which made me realize that is what he was saying as he was racing downstairs! I let him play instead of eat breakfast for as long as I could, then he took a few tools into the car with him, and we ate breakfast on the go! Too cute! He doesn't get t-erribly excited about too many toys, so it was fun to see him get excited about them. The pic above is Henry playing the next afternoon with his tools with Steven-just look at that face!!
On Saturday, March 1, we had a Winnie the Pooh themed party! We invited friends and family to help us celebrate. The guests were welcomed with the sign above. Henry kept patting the sign and saying, "Dada do that! Dada make that!" He had watched Steven nail it all together several weeks before!
 Above is the decor I put above the table on the wall. The Pooh book in the middle is one of Henry's favorites and is opened to the page where the characters are celebrating a birthday, and the quote to the right is from the House and Pooh Corner that says, "Your just in time for a little smackerel of something."

This is the dining room with dessert table and food table:) I had lots of fun decorating for this!

For lunch we had "hunny" ham sandwiches with "hunny" mustard, pasta salad from Rabbit's garden, and Tigger tails (cheese puffs).

For dessert we had owl cupcakes. Henry kept calling them "hunny cakes" and begged for one from the moment he saw them the day before.

We also had a Pooh bear cake made by Aunt Mae...super cute!

I set out his other Pooh book on an end table.

The mantle was decorated with his name, lanterns with bees, 2 framed pooh prints I had, and even a little "hunny" pot I happened to have!

Celebrating with our 2 year old!

When the kids got there, I had a bee hive craft set out that they could do.

An up close version of the craft!

The kids also played pin the tail on Eeyore. Here is buddy John Lane giving Henry a big hug! They promptly fell over after was more like a hug tackle!
Here is Henry's buddy Ellis pinning the tail on Eeyore.

Cousins from Lexington came in to help celebrate of course. Isn't this a great pic?

I got this shirt made for Henry to wear on his big day.

Henry has loved every present he got for his birthday from friends. He was so big telling everyone thank you after he opened them, and we have gotten tons of use out of them since!
Checking out his card!

Posing with nieces Kaia and Mary Ellen

Above is the action packed sunroom! We are blessed to have so many friends/family who are involved in Henry's life and are watching him grow up!

Buddy JL with momma Janelle.

Buddy Bennett with BRAND NEW baby Clayton and our wonderful friends Ryan and Robin. Thank you for braving one of your first outings as a family of four to a 2 year old's birthday party!!

One of the cutest things at his party was how into the Pooh cake Henry was. He took the fondant hunny pot and pretended to feed the hunny to Pooh, then would feed himself a bite, then wold go back to pretending to feed Pooh. So sweet!

"Want some?"

"I think I'll have a little smackerel myself!"

Next he got his own owl "hunny cake". This was his first cupcake ever, and he devoured it! Here he is blowing out the candles.

He loved his first ever bites of real cake!

He kept trying to feed us bites of it, too. Here Steven is trying to take care of being fed by a 2 year old!

We also played "Hunny Toss" where we tossed bean bags into Pooh's mouth. The kids had lots of fun with this!

Guests/neighbors the Potters

The Swanners

The Burns

Henry with his two Grandmas!!

And his two boy cousins!!

Here's the exhausted birthday boy with my parents....he was begging to go to bed at this point!

And here he is with Grandpa and Peggy...all partied out and ready for a nap! Thanks everyone for making our celebration so much fun! We love each of you!

1 comment:

Andy said...

what a precious party.
i love it