Brisk Me Away


36 weeks

At my 36 week appt last week everything was going great with baby girl. I am measuring just right (36 cm) and she is head down. I was dilated 1 cm, 50% effaced, and -3 station. I remember similar stats with Henry every visit for the last 3 or so:) I don't put a whole lot of stock in any of it since it can change so quickly, but it is nice to hear there's a bit of progress I guess! I actually feel very well. I would take the way I feel at 8 months pregnant to 6/7 months pregnant with pneumonia any day. My energy is good and I have no major complaints. I continue to have heartburn, occasional back pain, and occasional numbness in my right leg, but nothing unbearable. I had swelling one night a few weeks ago, but it has not returned thus far. The last week or two with Henry I remember swelling quite a bit (feet, ankles). I am still sleeping well except for 2-3 potty breaks in the night!:) I am so thankful for a healthy pregnancy, BUT I will be thankful when it's over! It's not my favorite state of being, but I know it will be worth it in the end! I go weekly now for checkups-I can't believe we are to this point!!

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