Brisk Me Away


Beach Trip-March 2014

I had spring break this year the week of March 10-14, and we went to the beach with my parents. I have been wanting to post about it for a while now, but have just had trouble keeping up! I was SO excited to go on this trip-it was a much needed vacation for me. I was at the tail end of pneumonia, and while I still wasn't 100%, I was MUCH better, so it was just nice to get away and have a change of pace. Planning on the trip had gotten me through a lot of tough days of sickness and exhaustion, so it was finally time to relax!
My parents are so gracious to have us along as they go to the beach. They tolerate a 2 year old being around, and they even say they like it.:) It works out so well for Steven and I, because my mom doesn't want to get in the sun a whole lot, so we get to enjoy the beach or shopping or golfing while she stays in with Henry during his naps, then my folks stay at the condo for his early bedtimes and we get to go out at night-a rare treat! Of course, he loves the attention, too. BTW...notice what's in his hand? We were about to grill, and evidently someone put him in charge of the lighter:/

While it was too chilly to actually swim in the ocean, we did love taking advantage of playing in the sand and using the indoor heated pool (btw-Henry is VERY comfortable in the water and is quite the daredevil. It will be an interesting summer). We had a few days of gorgeous sunshine, and I got very sunburned! Here is H headed to the ocean with his gear. He loved it as you can tell by his "cheese!" face.

He was so cute-little beach bum!

He walked all the way out by himself-that's hard work!

Busy boy

Henry and Steven went exploring for shells a lot, and here H is showing me some coral he found:) I loved being able to relax in the beach chairs and (albeit lazily) watch them!!

Sweet smile. It was special to get to spend this week with just H before he becomes a big brother.

It will be a sweet memory for us all, I think.
We love you, sweet guy.


Here is my mom and H evidently having a serious conversation while shell collecting!

We took some good walks on the beach-here's our little fam! I don't know how many wks I am here....30ish?? Sheesh. Time flies.

We got to take advantage of one of the sunniest days and headed to the AL Gulf Coast zoo. It was Henry's first experience at a zoo, and he had lots of fun! I was so bummed that we rushed out and forgot the camera, but we did manage to get a few with our phones, although most didn't really turn out. Here we are in front on the entrance.
I think H's fave part was feeding the goats. He loved it! There were TONS of great animals and it was a great size zoo for a first trip. Very manageable. It had gotten hit my hurricanes (?) several years ago, and is called the "little zoo that could" because it's gotten back on its feet with the help of the community and is evidently doing really well. Of all the times I've been to the beach, I've never gone. We will certainly make a point of it from now on-we had lots of fun!! Until next time, beach! We will miss you. :)

1 comment:

Andy said...

looks like such a fun time. my kids are craving some beach time. of course I have no qualms about going either. S said he wants to go to the beach with the big waves (my parents have a beach at their lake(not the same apparently)) :)