Brisk Me Away


33 weeks

I'm about to hit 35 weeks, but I'm trying to keep up with this pregnancy and document some milestones as best I can! At my 32 wk appt, everything was great. My doc was a bit concerned at my previous appts that I had regressed in weight gain, so he wanted to do an ultrasound for this appt just to make sure the baby was growing like she should be. We got to see some great shots of baby girl, and her estimated weight was 4lbs 5oz, which was right on track. I was measuring perfectly and had gained 3 lbs (ha!) which the doc was happy with. The tech tried and tried to get a good pic proving baby girl is in fact a girl, but evidently she was being modest. While we got some glimpses, she couldn't actually capture it on film (?), so she did switch over to 4D for a sec to give us a treat! It was SO crazy to see the details in these shots. It made us even  more excited to actually meet her!
This was taken on 4/7, at 33 wks and a few days
This was taken at my 32 week appt. This is a picture of the actual picture, so it's not quite as good as the real thing, but you can still get the idea! Pretty amazing...she's a full blown person in there! Look at those cheeks:)

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