Brisk Me Away


28 wks

On March 1, 2014 I turned 28 wks. My pregnancy is going well, and I have had several weekly OB visits in a row due to the doc wanting to monitor my pneumonia. I feel like I live at the OB's office! When I was (almost) 29 wks, the baby was measuring 28 cm. I find it very hard to believe, but the doc says he would actually like to see me gain some more weight!! I told him I had NEVER heard that before in my life, but I would do my best to oblige!! Ha, ha! I think it's just because I've basically been sick for 2 months solid, but I've only gained about 7 lbs total, and there have been a couple of visits where I've fluctuated and lost a few pounds. Anyway, I am not concerned, but he does want to do an ultrasound at my 32 wk appointment to just make sure the baby is growing as she should be. The heartbeat always sounds good, and she is also very active. I am great with this extra ultrasound, though, because it means another glimpse at her and also another chance to hopefully confirm her gender!:) Steven has made it his mission to make me eat, and has been pushing all kinds of food on me! I think I made up for lost time while on spring break last week! :)
My heartburn is in full force now, and I hate it so. I still sleep well and have not had back pain like I did at this phase with Henry. This pregnancy is going SO I write this I am less than 10 wks away from my due date. When I was thinking about this last night as we were leisurely watching TV, I asked Steven if he realized that in just 2.5 short months we will be holding and possibly up walking around a crying infant and will be up every 3 hrs with her in the is a reality check for both of us to think about this! We've just done less prep than we did with Henry and worried less about it all (part of the beauty of a second child). While I've done some shopping for her for sale clothes, etc. we haven't done much else. I think when we get her room ready and I have some baby showers, it will help prep us mentally. We also need to go ahead and get out the baby equipment so Henry can get used to having it around before she arrives. I have started to glance back over the Bradley Method book to try and prep for delivery....I guess getting her here is really the first hurdle I should be focusing on anyway!
Welp, either way we are excited to meet her (still un-named....while driving to the beach last week we tried to come up with some and didn't get very far....). She'll be here before we know it!

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