Brisk Me Away


Week of 6/24, Part 2

Here are the rest of the pictures from the week!
Henry normally wakes up around 8sih, but one day he woke up at 6:30 and was bright eyed and bushy tailed! I hated to try to get him back to sleep, so we just went downstairs and played instead. He was just so happy...he was feeling spry! Normally he tolerates tummy time, but this particular morning he was craning his neck around and looking at everything as if he actually enjoyed it! I had fun taking pictures of my smiley baby. :)

He finally laid his head down to rest his neck, but just kept right on smiling!

This picture captures a little bit of what he does all the time with his bottom lip is either sucked in or poking out. He is constantly blowing bubbles and making noises with is mouth these days.

We put up the Johnny Jumper while my mom was here and he seemed to like it! He mostly just sucks on the edge of it at this point, but will occasionally play with a toy as you can see above.

My dad came a couple of times during the week to visit...Henry is looking so LONG on his papa!

This is a great one of him in the car...we were on our way to get a professional cousins photo taken (which turned out great by the way!). Henry does this a lot with his hands-each finger is perfectly intertwined, then he puts the whole thing to his mouth to suck on it!

Steven's family came in for the weekend to celebrate Camden's 10th bday and to be there for Henry's dedication on Sunday. Even though it was super hot out, we still had a great time all together.

Henry is lucky to have such good readers as cousins!

Grandpa, Peggy, Kaia, Henry, and Maggie...we grilled out Saturday night and had cookie cake and more homemade ice cream for Camden's bday!

Camden is a huge baseball fan and one of his requests every birthday is to have a big family baseball can you say no to that?! So even in the 100 degree weather at 8 o'clock at night, we all headed out to a nearby baseball field and played a few innings!
Here is the winning team...above the kiosk to prove how hot it was!

You'll be playing baseball soon enough, little man!
This face on Henry makes me laugh!

It was so special to have all of our family together on Sunday for Henry's dedication. It is a day we will always remember, and it will be neat to talk to him about it when he gets old enough to look at pictures. We are so thankful to have such a Godly heritage to pass down to Henry.

Steven's aunt Sara made his was perfect!!

We love you, Henry, and are so excited to teach you about God. We look forward to the day when you claim Him as Savior!

Here is Henry telling papa all about it!

We had lunch after church back at our house...Aunt Heather helped me decorate Henry's cake! Thanks again, everyone, for being part of this special day!