Brisk Me Away


5 Months Old!

I can't believe our baby is 5 months old! This month has been HUGE in Henry's development. On the day he turned 5 months old, he got his first tooth! He started rolling over last week (both front to back and back to front), and has gotten really good at it! This adds a whole new element to his mobility, and it is fun to see him get to what he wants. This month he has also gotten much more "grabby" and reaches out for things all the time. When we stand him up and hold him, he reaches his arm out to our face and tries to grab hold. He likes my hair and glasses, that's for sure! He loves his toys, and can really entertain himself with them. Henry has been blowing bubbles for a while now, but he has now taken it to a whole new level and is doing it rhythmically and it is so funny! I don't really know how to describe it, so I will try to video it soon. He is also still very vocal, and once he gets going he will jut talk and talk. He is laughing and giggling out loud...his legs are ticklish and he will anticipate me coming in for the "tickle attack" and start laughing early and sometimes he "yells" instead of laughs. Again, I need to get a video:) It is so cute. His arms end up behind him a lot he is ready to fly! His hands are constantly busy, and even when he is about to fall asleep or is eating, he has at least one hand going...just opening and closing it or scratching the material near him (like on his car seat or crib).
He still eats and sleeps like a champ-no complaints there! When he sleeps, Henry puts his hands behind his head and his legs are drawn up like a little frog. So cute, especially in footie PJs! We also think he gets more hair each day, and even trimmed the nape of his neck last week! I know there's so much more, but it all happens so quickly that it is difficult to grasp and remember it all. I guess that is why I do the blog weekly! We love you, sweet baby boy, and love watching you grow. Daddy and I think you are so much fun!
He has some bubbles going here, but they're hard to see!

Henry is dwarfing Bunky now!

Beautiful baby blues!

Looking so big in the chair!

This picture shows how active Henry is...his arms and legs are constantly moving, hence the blur!

This is a classic Henry face:)

Always grabbing at his feet these days...sometimes he gets them and even gets them in his mouth!

Busy little boy!