Brisk Me Away



I forgot something big that happened last week! Henry started sleeping completely swaddle-free! To most, this would be no big deal, but we had tried it a few weeks prior and it had not gone so well. We started last Sunday and went cold turkey. He did great! Other than waking up a little earlier than he had been (ie-7ish rather than 8ish), there have been no problems. And the BEST part...we now get to dress him in PJs!! When swaddled, we just put him in a onsie so he didn't get hot, but now we have been introduced to the world of PJs with footies and snaps and zippers and cute it! And the other fun thing is that we get to watch him in all of his funny sleep positions. Our favorite is hands behind the head...looking totally relaxed....I will snap a picture of that soon! It is pretty cute.
