Brisk Me Away


Week 3 at home

On Sunday 7/24 Ruby went to church for the first time! I was excited to put her in this sweet, soft, white dress even though she stayed in her carrier and slept through it all so no one saw it, she was dressed up nonetheless!

Sisters! "Playing" together in their room while I pack for Henry and Annie's visit to Kentucky.

Annie loves to lay down beside Ruby when she's having time on her blanket.

Ruby got the sweetest monogrammed blanket and outfit from some Tennessee friends. Love!

We got a visit from the Stubbs family Tuesday 7/26. We walked to the trail!

Lots of snuggle time...just get a load of that hair!!

On Wednesday 7/27 I loaded up the THREE kids to deliver H and A to their aunt Mae in Nashville. On our way, we stopped in to visit Grandpa and Peggy for an hour or so.
Grandpa with his 3 grand kids!

We met up and ate at Cracker Barrel for me to pass the kids off with their cousins! Aunt Mae had offered to keep them as long as we'd let them, so we decided a Wed-Sun would work well. We had JUST Ruby for 5 days, and it was a great little break and time to focus on just her.

These 2 are thick as thieves. The kids all got stick candy and ate it afterward on the porch. Since then, Henry as asked if we can go back to "that candy store" sometime!

And cuz Kaia is awesome with babies and I know she was SO much help with H and A during their visit, too!
 I didn't take many photos while the kids were gone! Steven and I enjoyed hanging out, though, and I actually got to get a pedicure, haircut, and use a massage gift certificate I'd had since Xmas! Steven got to golf, and we went out to eat a lot. I didn't cook once-why cook when you don't even have kids around?! Here's one of little miss while we were out shopping one day. Crazy hair girl!
 Sweet girl talking to Dad
And I thought I would try Ruby on her play mat while the siblings were gone so she wouldn't get mobbed....this is what she thought of that!

A few notes:
7/24-church for first time, good night's sleep
7/25-all day at home except hair cut for Henry, Ruby received 3 gifts!, rough night-up every 2 hrs
7/26-Stubbs visit, Ruby following us with her eyes, knows when laid down after being held-fusses, awake a lot in evening, beginning of baby acne?, not sure if paci baby or not! Crazy Elvis/Ben Stiller hair after bath
7/27-First big drive-visit Grandpa, Bushes, Sydney, then dinner back in HSV with Wayes for small group
7/28-Day at home with mommy! Neighbor Broomes for dinner and met Blankenship family
7/29-Lots of errands, dinner out w daddy
7/30-Day with mommy and daddy running errands, etc. Stayed with Daddy while I got a massage
7/31-Church, Bushes deliver siblings back to HSV, so excited to see their baby sis again, lots of love from Aunt and Uncle

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