Brisk Me Away


Week 2 at Home

Here's a bit about week 2 at home!
Lots of awake time on Sunday 7/17 at one week old. Abby and her family stop in to meet Ruby on their drive home from the beach!
Then a little bit later that same day, the Bush family decided to swing by on their way back home to KY to see little bit again!
Cousins all got to hold Ruby again, and we went to Mexican restaurant for dinner. 

Then back home for popsicles before they headed out!
Annie loves that she is the same size as her toys!:)

Used the ERGO for the first time.

7/22 we took all three kids out to a restaurant for the first time-Ruby slept thru all at it went well. Then to Bridge St. to play in jets and let me shop a bit.

Sweet snuggles

7/23 first submerged bath

She cried but got calm quickly afterward!

On the weekend we took advantage of our home time and completed a project. I had been talking about window boxes for a while, and Steven actually got the wild hair to complete it! It was a big one day project, but when he puts his mind to something, there's no stopping him! We put in a total of 7 window boxes and he rigged up an irrigation system so I don't even have to water them. I will post an updated version soon. They look so good, and I am thrilled!!

Ruby hung out in her bouncy and Annie was right by her side as we worked!

So relaxed.

Super proud bro-he's a really good baby holder!

Took lunches into the playroom for a "picnic" one day...gotta get creative when you're stuck at home w a newborn!

She made this face after eating for while-we joked that she looked like "blue steel" from Zoolander. She has the dark, crazy hair to go with it!!

Still considering a paci at this point...I love how she "holds" it!

Henry wrote ALL the names of our family!

Oh, so, so cute! I was in the kitchen and peeked in the living room to see this little scene playing out! Annie was very gentle so I didn't have to get onto her or anything. It was just a sweet little interaction between the 2 sisters!

My mom came on Wednesday to help keep the big kids while I went out to run a few errands with just Ruby who was super easy of course! Mom loves holding the little one, and you can see Henry is just so sweet and smitten with Ruby, too.

Annie is so cute playing with her babies and carrying them around swaddled like Ruby.

It's amazing how the mothering instinct is so innate!

Our trip to the dentist was a little stressful to be honest! It was for both big kids (Annie's first). We did well for about the first 45 minutes (except for Annie's drama over getting her teeth cleaned-no crying, just fussing and resisting opening her mouth, then had to be in my lap for the actual cleaning). Once we were all done and treats were picked, we had to wait on the doc. Ruby started to cry and the big 2 were was not our most shining moment, but we made it through the day.  We were certainly a spectacle. Ruby got lots of attention over her hair and how tiny and cute she was!:)

Thurs 7/21 Annie's first trip to the dentist!

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