Brisk Me Away


1 month!

On August 9th Ruby turned 1 month old. It is hard to believe how quickly time has flown by! She has eased into our lives much more smoothly that I had anticipated. We thought our other babies were pretty easy, but she has been even easier so far. She has been laid back and sweet from the get go, and we are so thankful!
The #1 thing that we hear about Ruby is about her hair! Everyone gets a kick out of it. People like to compare their babies to her (Mine were all cue balls! My son's was like that and then it all fell out, etc.)...what I think is the funniest is when people don't actually talk to ME about her hair, but they whisper to each other about it (Look at that baby's hair! etc). People also want to know if our other kids had hair like hers. Henry had a decent amount of dark hair that went down his neck and was shaggy around his ears like hers, but it all eventually came out and grew in lighter, and Annie had the least of all at birth but it was already obviously lighter underneath and fell out and grew back in blonde at around 3 months. Both big kids look like they just have peach fuzz at about 4 months, so I am so curious about what Ruby's will do. Ruby's is the most, longest, darkest, craziest of all three at birth for sure.

Ruby is a great eater and goes 2.5-3 hours between feedings-I do not wake her up if she is  napping, though, so she has gone longer. And she is waking up approx. 2 times the night at this point to eat, then goes right back to sleep.
She has both days where I feel like she sleeps all day and days where she seems to have super long awake stretches for being so little. She is just trying to figure out a routine I guess! We love it when she is just chill and checking things out around her. She just stares and takes it all in. A lot of times we say she looks like a disgruntled little thing! She looks like she is saying, "Seriously, guys? This is what I have been born into?"

She is not as giving with her smiles at this point as the other 2 have seemed to be. She is so serious and just stares and stares. Oh, and you can see in this pic her little birth mark on her left pinky. The doc says it will fade over time, but right now it is just a cute little mark that makes her unique!
I am doing my best to absorb all of Ruby's infancy and just enjoy it since she's our last. She is so sweet and tiny and cuddly. We all love her so much and are loving getting to know her.
Annie had to get in on a pic with her baby sis. Ruby is held and loved ALL.THE.TIME. She will never lack for sibling love and friendship, that's for sure. We love you sweet baby and can't wait to see what next month holds!

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