Brisk Me Away


Birthday/Mother's Day 2016

 May began with 2 celebrations for me! My bday is the 5th and Mother's Day was the 8th, so Steven had his work cut out for him-ha! My little family was so sweet making me feel special for these 2 events!

Mother's day started a little early-a friend and I went to a Mother's day paint night out-so fun!

Then the next day my mom came in to watch the kids while I went to an OB appointment. We gave her her Mother's day gift while she was in town!

On my actual bday my class was so sweet to treat me to a little celebration. We had lunch in the library and they brought food in from a restaurant for me, we had cake, and I got a nice gift, too!

Me with my sweet little class of 11. I have had such a great year this year with them!!

Henry and Annie were beside themselves when I brought leftover balloons and cake home from my class celebration. You'd think a balloon were a million dollar gift!

Since my bday is on Cinco de Mayo, we always go get Mexican. It was actually chilly/windy that evening, so we ate quickly on El Olmeca's patio (after quite a wait!), then came home for some dessert and gifts. These were pics before heading to dinner.

Henry is quite the gift giver. He and Steven went to shop for me, and he was SO excited about everything-Steven said he is so animated and sweet while they are out shopping for me. He "hid" my gifts for me to find in my bedroom after helping wrap them, then we opened them in there!:) I got lots of  goodies!

On actual Mother's day, the kids were with Grandpa and Peggy, so I got some relax time which was the most awesome Mother's day gift I could ask for! They spend the night Saturday night, and we picked them up on Sunday afternoon. Sunday evening we popped up our new (used) camper (you can kind of see it in the background there) to check it out in the driveway, and I got more gifts!:) A rose bush and plant for the yard, and a new set of dishes that I had been eyeing...what a fun celebration!

 I asked Steven to do this questionnaire with Henry, and I love hearing his answers!!
My Mom's name is Kelly
She is 20 years old
Mom and I like to clean
Mom likes to say, "I love you!"
My Mom really loves me
She likes to eat broccoli
She likes to drink Coke
My Mom's job is to take care of the baby
If she had time, she would like to play with me
Mom is really good at cleaning
If I could go anywhere in the world with her, we'd go to China
I love my Mom because she loves me

1 comment:

Andy said...

this is so sweet. i love the whole post, and i showed up (yay)
love the questionnaire. one time sawyer did one and pretty much said that same thing at the end that Henry did. i love how their little brains work. looks like a great birthday weekend.