Brisk Me Away


Annie is **TWO**

On May 26, 2016 our sweet girl turned TWO!! This is hard for me to believe. In some ways, she seems every bit of two, but in others, it seems like she was just born! And the way she has just grown up in the last six months is pretty amazing-she wasn't walking til 18 months, and her communication seems so fleshed out at two, that her babyhood seems like forever ago!

We had lots of fun celebrating Annie, and I'll do my best to post all that soon, but for  now I want to give a quick monthly update about her like I've done leading up to this one. Although writing what she is saying these days seems pointless, because she can basically say whatever she wants. She is extremely verbal like her brother was, speaks in full sentences, and expresses herself very well for a 2 year old. She can let us know what she wants or needs in no uncertain terms!

-She got her first "real" haircut this month. I've trimmed it myself several times, but decided to take her in for her first real one, and she did great!! She was so proud sitting up there and thought the water being sprayed on her was funny. She gave me flashes of what teenage Annie will be like getting all primped in a salon!:) She was especially happy about the sucker and kept telling everyone she saw, "I got a haircut. I got a TREAT!"
-She also went for a photo session by herself this month, and the sassy 2 year old decided to show up. She started out throwing herself down and crying her eyes out because she wanted to be in the waiting area rather than in the photography area, but as soon as I mentioned that she could get a treat (sucker)  just like she did when she got a haircut, she straightened herself right up and started doing exactly what the lady asked her to do. Smart girl-such a stinker.
-She puts her hands on her hips while walking around and says, "Look, Mommy!! Like Mommy!!"
-She says, "Set, set, GO!" and then runs. Then she says, "I fast!"
-She responds with, "Yep!" to everything. And she follows up with, "Ok?" So it's something like this...(me) Do you want something to drink, Annie? (Annie) "Yep! You get it for me, OK?"
-No matter what we are talking about, especially if it is when Henry says something, she says she has it, too. (Henry) I have a booboo, Mommy. (Annie) I have a booboo, too!! And oftentimes she will add "at home" to the phrase which doesn't work half the time. "I have a booboo at home!" Then Henry has to correct her and tell her she doesn't have a booboo, so they fuss at each other for a while over whatever it is.
-She's a good counter. She will fill in for Henry (even though he knows it). So he was slowly counting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...and she promptly fills in with 7...8...She also filled in when he was counting by tens. I don't know if this was a coincidence, but I was impressed! He was saying, ten, twenty, thirty...then he stopped for a minute to think, and she said, "forty!"
-The other phrases she's been saying are, "maybe" and "how bout..." and "didn't it?" I hear myself say these, so she comes by them honestly.
-My tummy hurts. I need medicine.
-I can't see!! She says this even though the book is right in front of her. She means, put it closer! Or, get Henry away so I can be in control! :)
-She's gotten very comfortable in the pool this month, and I am so pleased! She does great with her puddle jumper-she seems to have great control and kicks all over the pool with it on. She loves to jump off the side into the water, but she's also so good to just chill out and float in it. She likes to lie on her back and kick. She's also gotten great about wearing her hat while we are outside at out pool. She's pretty proud of her swim gear I think!
-Steven and I have been commenting on how she's been looking stout this month:) She fills out her 2T clothes and just looks like such a big girl. She's sturdy-not a whispy little girl, I'll say that! Steven has also switched from calling her sassy to calling her spunky, which is probably a better description these days. She's happy and confident in what she wants, and she's not afraid to tell you. She's ready and observant.
-I was trying to talk to her about whose bday is next, but she's not having it. "No, it's Annie's birthday" she says. Then sings happy birthday to you...
-I need lotion, Mommy. (I give her a tiny bit on her hand). Then she wants to put it on me and says, on your hands, on your arms, on your she proceeds to share it with me everywhere:)
-I got the paint-Mommy do it!! (when I painted her toes for the first time-it's always been other folks til now!)
-She shows bubble cheeks and says it-learned this from school
 -Hugs me/leans on me and says, "This is my Mommy."
-Mommy? Mouse went up a tree, mommy. Daddy? Mouse went up a tree, Daddy. Didn't it? Didn't it?...then Henry says-that stuck with her forever! I should explain this story. We had a mouse in Maggie's dog food bag in the garage one morning, and when Steven saw it he called the kids out to see. They released it by the swing and trees in the yard, and Annie must have though the mouse went UP the tree, so she wants to tell that story over and over, especially since she heard it being told several times that day to Henry's teachers, etc. We think she thinks squirrels are mice, so she sees them climbing up trees all the time all over the yard which just confirms her story:) It's just funny that she still wants to retell it to us as we are riding along in the car, etc. It really made an impression on her!
-Favorite things to do are chalk, bubbles, color, go on walks (helps Daddy get the trashcan and me get the mail happily!), and swing at the playground!! She loves to run around the house and race Bubba, dance to music, and she has loved playing with her new baby doll she got for her bday and the bubble mower she got as well. 

-Annie is a good eater and isn't too picky. She eats most fruit and more veggies than Henry did at this age, so I have a hard time critiquing her too much. She likes broccoli, but not green beans. She doesn't like sandwiches (like pbj) or sandwich meat, but she is a cheese eater and so that's her daily protein along with yogurt. I just don't worry too much about her food because generally she eats well. This was such a stressor for me with Henry, so it's nice to have a break!! If she doesn't eat great one mean, I know she will the next. Her 2 year check-up isn't til the end of summer, so we will see what her actual stats are then.
-Annie is also a good sleeper. She's very easy and sweet to get to sleep-noise maker, blankie, lovie and she is ready to go. We generally read a few books, sing a few songs, and pray before nighttime, but even on nights when we just have to "throw her in bed" she is happy to go and does not cry or fuss. She generally sleeps from about 7:30-6:30 or 7:00. I don't actually know when she wakes up, because she just hangs out in her bed til I come get her (which is usually whenever Henry wakes). She never cries or calls for me. I love watching her in the monitor arrange her blankets, roll around, relax, and talk to herself when she wakes up. We can't do this during the school year, so I'm glad she gets to in the summer! She also takes a nap from about 1-3:30. Sometimes she sleeps longer, but that's her basic schedule. She so happy when she wakes up, too, and I love to hear the first things she says when I get her out of bed. It's usually pretty entertaining!

There's so much  more about our sweet girl, but I must stop. We love you, sunshine! Thanks for brightening our lives with yours, Annie. You are loved!

Working to show me 2 fingers...

Oh well! She cheesed anyway!

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