Brisk Me Away


School Baby Shower

 My school threw me a baby shower this morning. All the 3rd-6th graders were in attendance and it was so sweet! They all brought in their gifts and sat so nicely while Steven and I opened them. We had hot Krispy Kremes to boot! I didn't get many photos, so I don't feel like these do it justice, but you get the idea! It was a marathon of gift opening, and we got tons of great stuff! I feel so incredibly blessed to a part of such a great school. I look forward to being there everyday and know it is right where the Lord has placed me. I can't wait for our baby to be a part of this community.

My WONDERFUL co-workers (the 3rd-6th grade teaching team)= Heather, Katrina, Rebecca, and Anne

I had Steven snap a pic as we were heading upstairs-what a great group of 5th graders!

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