Brisk Me Away


Annie-11 months!

This month has been so much fun! Annie is changing each day, and we are loving watching her learn to communicate. Her sweet personality is coming out! A few things about her this month:

-Tooth #6 came in! Now she has 4 on top and 2 on bottom.
-The day before she turned 11 months, she started blowing kisses! She watched me for a few days, then just did it one night before bed. So sweet! It is her version-she can't quite get the details exactly right-but she has the basic idea, and it's pretty cute. 
 -She started saying, "Uh-oh!" when she drops something. When she says it once, she usually repeats it a couple of times. Especially the "uh" part!
-She started signing "more" just a few days after my last post about her. She did it once and hasn't stopped since. I think when she realized it got her more food she was all about it! She gives a double clap for her "more" sign, and she can get pretty demanding with it. To me it seems like she's saying, "Chop, chop, mom. Hurry it up!" If she really likes what she is getting, she will do it immediately after I've just given her something as if to say, "Keep it coming, Mom!"
-She also signs "all done", although not as regularly as  more, because she never wants to be done eating!
-She hates getting her face wiped!! Talk about drama!! She tolerates it if I am gentle, but if I try to do a quick swipe, oh she lets me know about it!
-She's waving hi all the time. When I'm working in the kitchen and peek in the living rm to check on her, she waves at me when she sees me. Same thing with getting her out of her car seat. It's a nice way to be greeted! She's just started waving at strangers out and about, too. When she's in the high chair at a restaurant, she will zero in on someone to stare/smile at and start to wave:)
-She tries to say dog-it comes out "dah!"-but she does it when Maggie comes to her. She looks up at me when she says it in recognition.
-Annie LOVES water and taking a bath makes her so happy. When we say, "Do you want to splash?" she gets all giggly and wiggly and starts "splashing" her hand in the air like she's playing in the water. She's gonna be a water rat like her bubba!!
-She's clapping to music when I turn it on in the car or one of her toys plays music at the house. She squeals and waves her arms all around. She also "dances" when music comes on by bobbing up and down and getting animated. So cute!
-She is eating EVERYTHING. It's crazy. I offer her everything we eat, and she accepts. She loves cheerios and giggles and wiggles all around when she sees me getting them out. She also loves any kind of pouch and fusses for them when she sees them (at the house or at the store). I still nurse her like normal-every 3 hrs or so.
-Annie has been battling an ear infection for over a month now and has been on 3 antibiotics for it. She finished the last one and the next day just didn't seem 100%, so I took her in just for them to check (4/20). The doc said the were absolutely terrible! She had to have a shot and an ENT referral. It is so hard for me to tell with her because she is generally still so happy and doesn't run a fever or anything. Luckily they were able to get her in the very next day, and when the doc looked at them, he said, "Yeah, jacked up is what we call that." Ha! I appreciated his honesty! Evidently both our kids have drainage problems, so Annie is scheduled for tubes in a week. I hate to do it, but at the same time I'm almost relieved that she will get some relief. Henry had such a successful surgery and has been so healthy following, there's no reason to think she would be any different. In that case, it will be SO worth it.
-Her sleep has been a little off and I think it is because of her ears. She wants to sleep, but can't a lot of times. She's awake after a 20 min morning nap a lot of days, and will only sleep 1.5 in the afternoon. She wakes maybe once in the night and I put her paci in (I had stopped doing this, but went back to it with all her sickness). She wakes around 5:30 or 6:00 to nurse, then lays back down til about 7:30. She's so happy in the morning!
-She's starting to look through books on her own. They're in with her stash of toys, and I'll see her get one out and swipe her way through the pages, look at the images, and touch the different pictures with her little fingers. So sweet. She also enjoys actually being read to, and we are attempting to do that more and more now that she's getting older!
-Just like her bro, I can put her in front of a big pile of toys and she will go through them one by one, play with them, then throw them out of the way. By the end, there's a big pile behind her just out of reach:)
-She has a few favorite toys. The first is my phone. It doesn't have to be on, she just likes holding it and waving it in the air. She DOES put it up to her ear intentionally and look at me, too, though. She has a play phone that is shaped a lot like my real one, and she's done the same thing. Where has she seen THAT before!? She also love a plastic water bottle-partially full so she can shake it all around and then she crunches up the plastic. She still loves crunching a clean diaper, any plastic bag, any paper!
-She and Henry are funny in the back seat together in their car seats. She is constantly raised up with her head cocked looking at him and he is always talking to her. They can reach each other now and laugh about touching hands, etc. Henry gives her snacks (with permission!) and it is so cute watching them interact this way. He still thinks she is such a cute baby and will say stuff like, "I see her little feet, Mommy!" and "Look at her little head!" They also have screaming matches-and will squeal back and forth at one another and laugh and laugh about it.
-Still no crawling! She is happy on her belly for a long time and pushes herself backward all over the place. She just can't figure out how to keep those knees bent/booty up. She just splats after being in this position for a few seconds. She IS mobile, though, because she can push herself backward with her arms. If she's on hard wood she can end up down the hall! She also rolls all over the floor, too. Just recently she's been in the sitting position and will lean forward really far to reach something. A few times she will go from this position to somehow folding her legs under her and getting on her belly. I figure this is another step toward crawling? At this point I'm wondering if she's gonna crawl by her first birthday?!
-I have been meaning to say this for forever now!! She plays with her hair as she goes to sleep or is sleepy when nursing. She just gently pulls at the ends of her hair right above her ears. When she is almost out as I lay her down in her crib, that's the first thing she reaches for. Sweet Annie trait!

Annie girl, you are a delight. We love you so much! 

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