Brisk Me Away


November 2014

November has come and gone, but I have yet to document it....see below for some (certainly not all) of our happenings. If I wait to post EVERYTHING, I am afraid I might not post ANYTHING! Also see Annie's 7 month post below this one!!
We went to our neighborhood block party on Nov 1. We had made an offer on a house the day before, so this will be our only one to attend. It was lots of fun! We will miss Hunter's Crossing. It's been a wonderful neighborhood for us.

We were trying to get ready and Henry was into everything. I suggested he read a book to his sis and he took me up on it. He was so sweet and talked and talked to Annie all about this book about babies:)

We went to the Veteran's day parade in downtown HSV on the 11th. It was loud, hot, and patriotic! We met several moms with their kids there (Stubbs, McInnis, Novack, and Busch) along with the whole PCS community who got to see Annie for the first time. Here are Annie and Clayton.

Henry and Bennett stood in the back of the pick up truck and waved their flags.

Once the noise started, Henry did this the ENTIRE time. He was taking it all in, but would not take his hands off his ears-stinker!

Henry was so proud that he and Annie both had gray New Balance shoes AND hoods on one day. He wanted me to take a picture of course!
These are all out of order, but oh well! The Sunday of Thanksgiving (Nov 30) we had Annie's baby dedication at church and the whole family was there. This pic is afterward of Annie getting a special "Jesus loves me" bracelet from Grandpa and Peggy.

Annie got lots of attention in her christening gown made by Aunt Sara in Iowa. She made Henry's as well, so it was really special! This one has AKH embroidered on the bodice, and his HLH embroidered on the collar.

What a beauty!

Here she is with her "God Bless Annie" cake made by Aunt Mae. We came home after church for lunch and cake with everyone.

After church we went out on the balcony for some pictures. It turned out to be a beautiful November day!

The Sherrod girls all together.

Mom, Me, and Annie-3 generations!

Here is the whole crew who attended-you have so many people who love you and will do everything to help you grow to one day know Jesus for yourself, Annie! You are a blessed little one.

Here are the cousins all decked out in Xmas PJs one evening! is actual Thanksgiving day! We stuffed ourselves at Thursday lunch just like every year. Diana cooked at my house this year and both Jimmy's and my folks came as well. Side note...we closed on our new house just 2 days before this (11/25), so the whole family went over that afternoon and got to check out the new place. It was a cold afternoon, so the family football game in the yard didn't really pan out, but it will be a neat memory of it being "ours" for the first time during Thanksgiving.

On her 6 month bday (11/26), Annie tried baby food for the first time! She had carrots, and seemed to not totally hate them!
Although she was much more interested in her bib! Who can blame her...material attached to my neck? Instant toy!
She was so cute figuring out how to slurp it off the spoon. She kept wanting to grab the spoon. Lucky she's not super fast yet!

Annie with BOTH grandmas on Thanksgiving day! She was loving that attention, and everyone was loving having a baby around, too.

Here's Annie in some cute footie PJ's that were Henry's. There's a picture of him in this exact pose. I need to find it and compare the two...someday:)

Here she is sitting so proud with some toys that couldn't get away since the Boppy was around her keeping them near!

The weekend before Thanksgiving we went to TN to celebrate with my family since Steven's family would be with us for all of actual Thanksgiving (Wed night through Sun!). Mary Ellen put her headband on Annie here and baby girl quickly swiped a handful of hair! So proud about it, too!

Baby and Manar-these two have a tight relationship. Annie gives the biggest grins to her Manar.

Emma's birthday falls on or near Thanksgiving every year. She always requests a strawberry cake! Henry had fun helping her decorate it with blueberries and went around to EVERYONE asking "want one?"

We said a final farewell to the Busch family earlier in Nov. We drove out to Athens for one last play date. The boys did crafts and played in the leaves. We even napped there to spend as much time with them as possible! It was a sad, but sweet, goodbye. We love these guys! Here are the boys with their Thanksgiving hats on they made.

Henry had a ball in their leaf pile.

He has no real concept that his best buddy has moved away, but we keep talking about how we will make a trip to Mississippi soon to visit Bennett and go to the Memphis zoo! The Busches are the kind of friends that we will always stay in touch with.

My mom came a BUNCH of times in Nov to help clean and play with kids so I could work. This is one of those times!

Henry started getting very creative with all the boxes we had lying around to pack. He made a train with these!

Daddy snuggles one evening after work.

Handsome big boy!

Beautiful baby girl!

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