Brisk Me Away


Annie-8 months!

EEK! An 8 month old is hard to believe! We are having lots of fun with our sweet girl these days! It's fun getting to know her personality and see her change everyday. Annie has been doing lots of stuff this month. Check it out!

-Annie is a baby food FAN! When she eats jar after jar of baby food, I am in disbelief because we struggled just to get Henry to eat a few spoonfuls of the stuff. She is eating so much that I have started to make a few things (peas, carrots, bananas, sweet potato, butternut squash-the easy stuff) just to save a few bucks. It is getting expensive! She has been biting me while nursing for a few weeks, and I'm not really sure what to do about it! If it continues, I will be ready to wean the girl! She hasn't had any solids yet, but I plan to do that this month (cheerios, mum mums).

-She has started sleeping un-swaddled as of 1/7! I still wrap her up below her arms, but won't do this anymore once the weather warms up. She's done quite well with it, and I think is becoming a better sleeper overall. She rarely needs me to come in the night to put a paci in, and she's been sleeping in a little later several mornings, or will nurse at 5 then go back to sleep til 7 or so. Very nice! She's sleeping on her belly now, so I think that has helped. When we are home, she takes a good morning nap (1.5 hrs, give or take). If we are out and she cannot get a solid nap, she cat naps on the go. Either way, she takes a good afternoon nap, too (2+ hrs).

-Over the weekend of 1/17, Annie learned to raise her arms up in the air when we say "How big is Annie? SO BIG!" It's so sweet.:) She gives the biggest smiles and all of her attention to me when I do the "eat", "all done" and "more" signs, but she hasn't actually done any of these herself yet. Henry likes to tutor her with these signs, too. I need to video this because it's precious.

-She's getting more hair! Enough to support an actual bow even! AND enough to where she has bed head in the mornings! I don't really know how this happens since she sleeps on her belly, but somehow it's a mess in the back/sides when she wakes up.

-We are getting more and  more comments that she and Henry look alike.

-Annie is a very content baby. She will sit and play on the floor with her toys for a LONG time! Sometimes so long that I have to stop whatever I'm doing to intentionally spend some time with her! My mother-in-law was just in town and couldn't believe how good Annie was just to sit and play. She kept saying, "Do you have any idea how blessed you are? Not every baby will do that!" She's not super mobile-like she doesn't usually end up in a different position or all over the floor or anything. She's not close to crawling anyway, and I like it that way!:) This is my favorite stage of babyhood, so I want to enjoy it as long as I can!

-She's started taking "real" baths this month! She's transitioned from the baby tub in the sink to being able to sit in the tub with Henry. We used some of her Christmas money for a bath safety seat thing, and it's been great! She made a few unsure noises the first time we put her in it, but after just a second she warmed right up to it and seems to really enjoy being in the big tub with big brother (who's been so calm and sweet in there with her btw). Oh the fun she has in store with this!

-Annie sat in a restaurant high chair for the first time this month-1/10 at Panera! She did great and seemed to like being able to look all around. She got lots of attention from everyone, too, of course. What a big girl!

There's lots more, but that will have to do for this month. You are loved, sweet baby girl! 

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