Brisk Me Away


Henry-Two and a **HALF!**

On the same day that Annie turned 3 months, Henry turned two and a half. Ugg. Slow down, time! I wanted to do a two and a half month update because there is SO, SO much change between a two yr old, when I last did an update on him, and a two and a half year old. A lot can change in 6 months! If you think about it, that's 1/5 th of his life! Let me just say that I dreaded this age, and I have been proven totally wrong. Two and a half is so much fun! Yes, we have our moments, but overall, Henry is so enjoyable and so entertaining. We both love interacting with him, and get a kick out of his funny, sweet personality. I have taken a few notes over the past few months so that I wouldn't forget. They may be random to some people, but I hope Steven and I can look back at these notes and reminisce about our sweet boy.

-I push his belly like his glowworm and he will start to sing a song. I push it again and he starts another song. So funny and it takes some thought! Try it!
-He's been replacing words in songs with new words for a while now.
-He's started to use his imagination more and is doing stuff like playing like his food is an animal or that there's something to jump over on the ground.
-He's obsessed with boo boos and anything doctor related. He has a dr kit and loves band-aids.
-Obsessed with birthday also...especially cake...and will play at home all the time that it's my birthday. He sings happy birthday to mama and brings me a piece of his toy cake.
-He's had several favorite books over the past six months including Brown Bear, Very Hungry Caterpillar, I'm a Bunny,
-One day after school he said, "I handsome in my new outfit!"
-One night we were driving home from Lowe Mill and Steven and I were laughing in the front seat about something (having our own conversation) and we heard Henry say from the back seat, "We're having fun!!"
-The boy hears everything...wants to know who I was talking to on the phone, etc.
-"Let's sing!"

-He can quote most of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and the ending is so cute when he says loudly and expressively, "beautiful butterfly!!"
-He thought the Hosta that came up in the back yard in spring was salad. He wanted to pick it for me, but we had to teach him not to pick "mama's salad".
-He started talking about our cars and this is his take: Mama's car is black and messy and Dada's car is white and is not messy
-Introduces himself as Henry Hough to strangers. Sometimes when they ask, but sometimes he just volunteers that info! :)
-I asked him how many animal crackers he wanted and he said, "1234, lots!"
-We are amazed at his communication skills and how he usually gets his tenses and personal pronouns right-for instance right after he turned two, Steven said, "I'm swinging you." and he responded, "You're swinging me, daddy!"

-He's also noticing similarities between words...for instance we had a conversation where he brought up pepper, pepperoni, and macaroni and how they were alike!
-He knows that "Red says stop, green says go, yellow says slow down!" Last night he was saying this on the drive home and I overheard him also saying, "Chocolate milk is BROWN!"
-He has been responding to Elmo's questions on tv-ie-Elmo-"Do cookies sleep?"  Henry-"No!"
-He went through a phase of talking about medicine and saying, "It makes feel better me!" This was a while ago because he doesn't say it like that anymore. He also feeds himself his own medicine from the syringe.
-He talks about "Daddy's music" and "Mommy's music" and he likes several pop songs now and belts them out. It is so funny!! Some are: Baby all night, Roar, All of me, Burn, Speak Life, bag of socks (which is actually something like a round of shots, but he has no idea). Sometimes he sings them as he goes to sleep, and we can hear him from downstairs..."I got the eye of the tiger...your gonna hear me roar...oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh....:)
-He went through a furrowed brow phase, but is thankfully over it.
-He likes to talk about his blankie a lot and he will wrap up in it and say he's getting cozy. We were sitting together after his nap one day and he handed me our couch throw and said, "Get cozy in your blankie, mommy"
-He loves a kids' Spanish CD we have and will sing....Green is verde, verde is green, etc. a lot
-He is totally into his wallet and inside you will find things like a golf tee, mulch, golf pencil , cards, pics of cousins. He opens and closes it, rearranges what's inside, etc.
-He evidently has special tricycle talent and could peddle the tricycle at school way before any of the other kids. The rides the one he has around the house and makes a big circle through the living room and kitchen. He will pretend he is going to work and will say stuff like, "See you later, Mommy. I'm going to work. Have a good day!" Then he will circle back around and say, "I had a good day! I made a rocket! I missed you, Mommy!" Then he will take me to the door and show me the imaginary "rocket" he made. He will say, "It's so big! It's so tall!"
-Speaking of rockets, Every time we see the rocket at the space and rocket center on the interstate (which is often), he says, "YAY, Daddy!!" Without fail. It is so cute. We've told him that Daddy makes rockets, so he thinks it is THAT rocket. We figure we won't burst his bubble just yet:)
-He will often suggest something, then say, "No, That'd be silly!" He's learning to make jokes.
-"Mommy. Mommy! Talk to me."
-When he doesn't want to do something I've asked him, he will say, "No please mommy."
-He talks to Annie in her carseat and I over heard him tell her, "I like that happy face Annie!" He will give me reports like, "Annie's eyes are open" or "Annie dropped her paci", etc
-Wanting to dress himself. Can pull his undies and shorts up. Can put on flip flops and some sandals. Crawls into carseat himself, which is very helpful!
-After we've been at the house for a while, he will tell me, "I want to run errands."
-He's been very articulate and is answering with, "Yes".  He also will answer I did. I am. etc, rather than just yeah.
-He likes curious George, Elmo, sesame st, bob builder, Franklin, Thomas for shows.
-One afternoon I was running around getting ready for small group, and I was holding him. He asked me, "You having a hard day, mama?"
-He will say, "I'm a baseball man" or "I'm a working man" or "I'm a golfing man":)
-Letter recognition
-He knows all his colors (even gray and navy!) and is into matching colors. He will notice if his shirt matches someone elses or if something Steven and I are wearing is the same color.
-He likes to make up games and say, "This is my game!" "Look at my game!" when it's not really anything:)
-Conversation overheard: "Can I have a kiss daddy? Thanks daddy. You're sweet."
-Conversation overheard "Annie's a sweet girl. Mommy's a sweet girl."
- While we were in Orlando, he noticed LOTS of things at the pool, and innocently said, "Look at that man's belly! Look at that big belly! Can I go see that man's big belly?" Same conversation about people of different color.
-Asks, "You got a boo boo, mama? You need a band-aid?" He kisses boo boos too.
-After we had driven 12 hrs and Annie was screaming when we got to Orlando, he said to the Wayes from the car window, "I need to get out of here!! Get me out!!"
-While I love you so much mama!
-Me-"Will you pick up that paci for me please?" Henry-"Yes! It might be a little bit dirty."
-"Let me kiss your head."
-"Do you have earrings on mama? Do you have a necklace on mama? I like those mama. Those are pretty."
-Notices every motorcycle and working truck.
-Talking a lot about favorites
-Asks for chocolate-and sometimes at 7:30 in the morning-poor kid!
-Still calls us by our first names quite often and will call me Kel and Mama Kel. ha!
-We asked him what he would buy with his money and he said chocolate chip cookies and strawberry yogurt
-After I've said I like something, he will respond, "I know you like it mom. That makes you so happy. That makes me so happy too."
-He still loves gloves and notices gloves on Target workers and motor cycle drivers
-His current "game" is using plastic bags and pretending to pick up Maggie's poo poo-lovely!!

We love you, oh, so much little man!! 

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