Brisk Me Away


4th of July

Rain, rain, go away....come again another day! We had such a rainy 4th of July!! Steven and I returned from traveling on the 29th and welcomed family in to celebrate the 4th just a few days later! We had a great time together, but it poured down the entire time!! See below for a few pics of our time with Steven's family, plus a few extras on what we've been doing since.
Prepping for the party crew to come in...I put up some flags during Henry's nap, and he was curious about them right away! I used it for a photo session since he happened to be wearing red, white, and blue. In the end, the flags barely show, but I got a cute grin!:)

Grandpa with his four grandkids.

We always use the 4th gathering to celebrate Camden's bday...can't believe this boy is 11 already!!!

Kaia is such a good cuz and always entertains Henry-this time by reading to him and pushing him around on his zebra. We had to get pretty creative with the indoor activities and even played our annual family baseball game in the garage with a wiffle ball!

This is Thursday evening....take a look out the windows at that dreariness!! Maybe Henry's face is in disbelief, too!!

Red, white, and blue!

This was actually a few days before our visitors....H loved running around in the front yard and pulling up the flags I had stuck in the yard to decorate.
We did get a few hours of dry weather on Friday and high tailed it to Bridge St. to burn off some energy! Henry had such a blast running around with his cousins!

Here are H and Kaia singing in the car...Winnie the Pooh all the way!!

4th of July Sunday was the perfect day to break out the Kelly's Kids USA astronaut outfit Heather had given H!

While the family was here, we found a bike trailer at Essex. We had debated on that or a bike seat for H, and tried a bike seat from the thrift store (you can see it is still attached on the bike here)! It was fine if I had help getting him in it, but was very awkward and wobbly for me to try to put him in it alone (which is mostly when I want to use it anyway). So, we were excited to find this single seat-er trailer. It works great and I really like it! So far, H does, too.

Sweet bath time boy


This is my newest dilemma....H pulls the chairs out and climbs up on them, every so carefully, then stands and is so proud. I have resorted to just moving the chairs for now, but eventually I know this will not be enough.
The next day he was a bit MORE comfortable....uh, oh! And look at that shirt. It appropriately says, "Take me somewhere FUN!" Maybe we need to get out of the house more so he's not having to make his own indoor fun:)

Henry's best bud Bennett had his 2nd bday party on Saturday. It was at a little park right by our house and was lots of fun!

It was Curious George themed and so, so cute!!

The park has lots of these huge animal statues, so we had to get Henry's pic sitting in this gorilla's hand!

The park is right beside a house.The couple lost their daughter in the tornadoes and the park is their memorial to her. The man made this awesome train and took all the kids for a spin. So cute!!

We weren't too sure, but H stayed in the barrel the whole time....and it was a long ride! In front is H's buddy Ethan who is only 2 wks older than him. They both did great!
One day last week H and I went to TN to visit my folks for the day. We enjoyed the pool and hanging out. Here is H being spoiled by my mom...she brought his push cart inside and pushed him all around. And, of course, 1 had is not enough for H. He had to have all 3 on his head. :)

We had lots of pool time....H is starting to really warm up in the pool, and he was sitting on the edge and would lean forward and let us catch him. We also had him "jump" from the deck to us.

Speaking of 1 not being enough....we gave H a chip at them Mexican restaurant after church this Sunday, and before we knew it he had reached for another and then had both of them in the salsa bowl just helping himself. And very serious about it, too!

Monday our friend Ashley had invited a bunch of us from Sunday school to her neighborhood pool. It was a great showing! And this isn't even all the kids! I think at least 5 others had already left! Let me see if I can name them...back: Bella, Caleb, Jasper, Henry, Sawyer, Andrew, Olivia, Jude front: Juliet (crawling away!), Winnie, Georgia, Autumn, Marley, and Blakelyn

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