Brisk Me Away


Annie-15 months!

 Well, I'm a month behind. I kept thinking I'd get better photos, but everyone is so ready for bed at the end of the day that is just doesn't happen! The lighting is terrible on these and her hair is wet, but oh well! I need to make Saturday morning my picture taking time instead I guess-if we can stay in town on the weekends! Anyway, here is Annie's 15 month update. I had it all written on time, so at least there's that!

Steven and I agreed the other day that it seems like Annie is really developing her own personality the past few weeks. She is coming into her own even more, and we are enjoying it. Sometimes she gets forgotten (not really, but you know what I mean) because big bro is so vocal and active. It is neat for us to see a glimpse of who she is going to be. This month has been a really fun one with her. See below for a few highlights.

-She had her 15 month check-up and all was great. She is not walking yet, but I said I was not concerned. I see her making mobility progress, she's just on her own schedule. We are suppose to help her practice (which she doesn't love), and just return for her 18 mo check up. She weighs 22 lbs (35%) and was 30.5 inches long (50%). She was a trooper with her 2 shots. So thankful for a healthy, growing girl!

-Annie has had a huge transition month with me going back to school. She has done better than I could have hoped, and I'm so thankful. She is in nursery while I teach from 7:30-12:30, and she loves it! She gets SO much attention (one day it's just her, one day it's her and one other, and on the busiest days, it's just 3-5 total). She gets to go over and visit Henry's class most days and he also gets to go see her and will request to eat lunch with her which they let him do. So sweet!

-She is also down to one nap a day which is another big transition for her! She was leaning that way anyway, and with the school schedule it just made since to go ahead and switch to one a day. She's done great with that as well. She falls asleep in the car on the way home and generally takes a 3 hour nap (sometimes more!). She wakes up so happy. She has really become a rock star sleeper in so many ways. She just lays down and puts herself to sleep so easily. Henry was easy, but we still gave him more attention than we do her with the sleep routine. She sleeps a solid 11-12 hour night, too, and when she wakes up from both nap and in the morning half the time I don't know it because she's so happy in there just rolling around and talking, etc. She really is easy in the sleep department. 

-She is becoming such a talker and tries to say so may words. Among these! (she will touch things then pull her hand away and say "hot!" even if it's not really and if she hears us say "hot" about something, she immediately repeats it over and over, ball (usually not just said once-it's more like-ball, ball, ball!!), baby (evidently loves to hold baby dolls in nursery and points to all the pictures of babies and says "baby!"-sounds a lot like bubba right now), diaper, oosh! for shoes (obsessed with them right now!), poopoo (she's not telling me when she does or anything, but she just repeats it when we say it, or she will volunteer the word when I'm changing a diaper), uh-uh (like as in "no"), Aunt Mae (mat mah), eat (deet!), water (wahwah). I know there are more, but those are the new ones I can think of right now. The doc asked if she can say 2-5 words, so I think we are good:) Everyone at school talks about what a good talker she is. Even if you can't understand what she's saying, she will give you a sentence in her language all the time. Lots of expression and passion! She's gotten really good at her animal noises-pig, dog, cat, horse, cow, sheep, etc. Will repeat "roar" for lion or bear. So cute!:)

-Speaking of mobility, she has been doing some new things this month. She is pulling up to her feet all the time (onto the fireplace, sofa, in crib, in tub, end table if there's something on it she wants. She just not much of a risk taker which I think is part of the reason she's a little behind (which I am kind of enjoying to be honest). I still kind of have to do a double take when I see her in standing position, though, even though she's so old! She was standing at the play kitchen reaching for its top cabinet at school the other day when I walked in and she just looked so big! She lets us hold her hands and she will take steps that way for a short distance, but she isn't too interested in much more right now. I know we should work with her, but I am fighting my desire to keep her "easy" right now!

-She's so interested in the things around her and I often catch her looking up in the sky and pointing to the birds, moon, trees, airplane, etc that she sees. I think I say this every month, but she still just loves music and is so responsive when she hears it. She has her own dance moves that just crack us up.

-She knows lots her her body parts, ears, belly, toes/feet along with all the ones she knew before...eyes, mouth, etc. I love to quiz her on these:)

-I've noticed some new play this month-she loves to put on/take off lids to anything. It will entertain her for a LONG time. She also likes to line things up (like the pool stacking cups we have outside). It's so amazing to see them try to gain order at such a young age. I guess it is innate in some! She's obsessed with straps and immediately grabs the straps to the high chair, buggy, or push car (which she adores btw along with the buggy-as soon as we get out at the grocery store she is begging and leaning to get into the cart!) and pulls them around herself and tried to connect the buckle. Guess she wants to be safe!:)

-Bath time is still a favorite and she is totally wild! She loves to be on her belly and kick like a crazy girl.  She throws a fit when we take her out no matter how long or short it's been!:)

-She is not a fan of loud noises or anything that might seem threatening. She immediately bails on whatever it is she's doing and makes a bee line straight for mama. I remember this happening around the same time with her bubba.

I know there's more, but I must stop at some point! Precious girl, Annie, we love you so! You are such a blessing to our family.

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