Brisk Me Away


Annie-12 months old!

Annie turned one on May 26th. We had celebrated with family and friends at her party over the weekend. On her actual birthday, we celebrated by dinner, ice cream, and a visit to the park as a family. On 6/2 she had her 1 year check up and did great. Her doctor was not concerned she was not crawling, but said she should be pulling up to the standing position (which she had done just that morning for the first time!). She weighs 19lb 13oz (25%), is 29 1/2 inches long (60%), and her head circumference is 44cm (25%). She's growing great! These pictures are from 2 different times...I needed to get one prior to her party and I think her eyes were red from just having swam and then napped, then I took some others on her actual bday. I think the difference in her looks is kinda interesting. 
-She's a little lover and when we say "awe" or "give me hugs", she will lay her head down on us and usually makes the "awe" sound, too.
-Steven was out of town for a week in May for work, and when he got back, she was so excited. She was fussing and nearly jumping out of my arms to get to him. Once he held her she kept staring at him, and when he tried to set her down or give her to me (which she usually loves), she broke down crying! This happened several times, and we got the biggest kick out of it. Steven ate it up, of course.
-She's sleeping great now. She takes a big morning and afternoon nap (around 9:30 and around 2:00), but she can also function fairly well without a morning nap. I've been trying really hard to let her get that morning nap in, because I know it is important to establish her routines if I can. She sleeps through the night no problem. She goes to bed at 7:30 and wakes up at about 6:00. This is my one complaint about her sleep...I wish she would sleep a little later in the mornings, but oh well! I usually feed her and lay her down to play/roll around in her bed until Henry wakes up (7ish). She sleeps with her bottom in the air, and it's cute!
 -5/21 She started nodding her head "yes". It is very exaggerated and cute.
-Right around her birthday she started pointing. She points at everything!
-She eats just about anything! I love this about Annie-it is just so different than what I am accustomed to! She feeds herself, too, and does not seem to mind getting a little dirty-another new phenomena for me:). She loves all fruit and most veggies I've offered her (rejected fresh tomatoes). She eats meat (chicken, ground beef, ham/turkey, etc), bread, and loves cheese. She eats any little snacky thing I've offered her like crackers, cheerios, dried fruit, and loves fruit and veggie melts. She hasn't loved yogurt as much her brother did. She will accept about half a container of it, then she's done. She doesn't seem to have the strong preference for sweet things like her brother, either.:)
-She loves music and when certain songs come on in the car (esp the Annie soundtrack), she starts to groove! She waves her hands all around, wiggles her bootie, and squeals! It is amazing what she is recognizing these days. She loves any music, but you can tell when it's a tune she's heard before-she really lets us know!
-She can blow her nose! I can demonstrate it, then she does it, then I can tell her to blow into a tissue and she will. It's actually a pretty convenient trick!
-She imitates any sound we make. She clicks her tongue, makes the "shhh" sound, makes a pop sound with her lips, blows air between her lips to make all kinds of sounds. She's quite entertaining!
-As you can see she has busy hands and could not leave her sticker alone...she's all over the place and lots of fun!
-She's proven to be quite a mama's girl this month and often begs for me when she is in the arms of someone else. It is kind of annoying and kind of sweet, too. I try to remind myself it is just a phase and to enjoy it.
-There is so much  more. She is changing every day. I have waited too long to do this post and now month 13 and 12 are blurring together!

-We love you more than you know, little girl, and think you are so much fun! The first year of your life has gone by so quickly that it makes me sad, but I will just focus on the fun part of it and do my best to look forward to this next year in your life. You are really going to come into your own, and I can't wait! You are wonderful, my little love!

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