Brisk Me Away


Thanksgiving 2013, part1

 I know this is late, but I just couldn't let myself post about Christmas when I hadn't even done Thanksgiving! The good thing about doing a blog post late is that you get perspective on the "highlights" and it is easier to weed through all those pictures!
Henry and I had Wed-Fri off of school, which was wonderful! Normally we just travel to TN for Thanksgiving, but this year we actually went to Lexington. We did this because we were wanting to attend a UT/UK football game that just happened to be Thanksgiving wknd. Because of this, we went to my folks the weekend prior. Lucky for us, my folks are SUPER laid back and flexible when it comes to holiday plans, so this was no big deal. Oh the life of a retiree (although they have really always been like this).
We played lots of go fish with Mary Ellen, and Henry got good at saying "puffer fish", "star fish", "angel fish", etc. He was all into the cards:)

Henry's first time to watch Winnie the Pooh! We were thinking we'd wait til Henry was 2 to let him watch "real" tv (he catches glimpses of football and golf, but nothing actual kid related before). But the mood struck, and they own the "original" Pooh, so we went for it. He liked it, (obviously) for about 10 minutes. So cute to watch him take it in.
Then we played Rook of course. Henry was content just being in his high chair. He was entertained by watching all of us.

George kept covering his mouth while I was trying to take a pic, and Henry started imitating him. Monkey see, monkey do!
Henry and mom have an ongoing sticker provides them and together they stick them. Somehow they always end up on their faces, shoes, arms, etc:) Below they are "working" in the pantry-Henry's other favorite activity with my mom.

Mary Ellen spent the night with us at my parents' house that night. She's great with Henry and he loves her of course.
We got to see Mary Ellen's basketball game, too. They lost this game, but went on to win all the rest for the season and become champions in their league! Way to go!

Saying goodbye before heading to Murfreesboro for church and to meet up with friends for lunch afterward.
Eating at Toot's-one of our favorite Mboro restaurants-with our good buddies before heading home.

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