Brisk Me Away


End of July

The rest of our July was a good mix of plenty to do without being overly busy. I can't believe August is almost over now, though! Better late than never on this post, I guess!:) My, oh, my time flies! Below are a few highlights as we wrapped up July!
Henry love to sit in his rocker. He says "rock" and crawls up there...usually with a book or snack. This is him after a nap-happy!

I think I've mentioned before that he can climb up onto chairs now and get to the table....I walked away for a minute here and returned to find this! He had gotten the raisin box from the table and was chowing down! He acted like it was candy and kept making the happiest faces!:)

Bennett over to play one afternoon. These boys love their riding toys!

We went one weekend (July 20) to visit Grandma in TN. I dressed Henry in this shirt, and when we got there Diana had on the perfect color polo to coordinate!:)

We also visited my folks the week after my dad had knee replacement surgery. We brought our suits and hung out by the pool! Henry loves the water.

He also loves ice cream! SOMEBODY (ahem, Manar) gave him his own cone and everything. I thought this pic was so funny of the dogs looking on-he's not about to give up his treat, though!

Henry has also started "jumping" to me into the pool. As you can see, his feet never really leave the ground, but he lunges for me and I catch him in the water. He can be quite the daredevil in the pool sometimes.

Proud face after jumping to me.

Even after we get out of the pool, the boy can't stay out of the he is getting IN the dog's water bowl and playing with the hosepipe...

And here he is getting a bath in the sink after that!

These are just one afternoon-attempting a photo op!

This is one of Henry's favorite toys-his "bibbet" that he pushes around the house.

This is how I "catch" him a lot of times....He will be really quiet and I will peek around the corner, and he is engrossed in a book!

Henry is in love with his toothbrush-we have transitioned from the finger brush that we do to this kind. He's obsessed and will say "teeth?" and make the motion to brush his teeth if we forget it while we are getting him ready for bed.
Our newest danger....he wants to crawl up on the arm of the sofa to get to the light switch to turn off and on. Sigh. 
Getting to be in an parked, turned off car is such a treat for him. He loves to explore in there!!
This is Henry's sweet little "I just woke up" face. I love it. 
Every flower we pass by we must stiff!!
My sweet guys on a walk at the Providence trail.
 Playing "pea pie" with the shower curtain is a favorite game!
He's adopted a few new cuddly animal in his life in addition to the glow worm. One includes this bear that he now sleeps with. 
 It is so soft and Henry hugs and kisses it all the time:)
We have spent lots of time at the nearby park-it's so nice that it's so close. I can just stop by for 10-15 minutes rather than feeling like it has to be a huge trek. Henry has fun there! 
We've had lots of fun with the baby pool out back this summer....Here he is after a good "splash" all cuddled up in his towel! 
Henry has LOVED this push cart given to us by my friend Abby. He pushes it himself all over the place, and I push him in it, too. Here he had been playing with a golf club in the garage, then just had to take it with him on our ride! :)

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