Brisk Me Away


Time marches on!

We've had lots of fun this Jan/Feb, and I am just getting to posting some pics of our daily lives! Who knew life could be such fun with an 11 month old!?

I love this picture....sneaky Maggie and chillin' Henry:)

Happy boy greeting Dada after work.

Giving sweet love. Henry continues to give Dada the best welcome....big grins, big squeals, and big effort to get to Dada when he walks in the door. He can be a fast crawler when he wants to be!

This is a new move-he lunges forward and throws himself into a crawling position. Lots of energy!

Standing proud. He stands all the time, but hasn't made any effort to walk. Does a lot of cruising, though!

Henry still doesn't love being fed in his high chair and often refuses baby food (although he will always eat cheerios and puffs)...but we have found that he WILL accept food off of Dada's spoon if he is sitting in his lap (the exact same food he refuses if we offer it to him in his own chair-can we say stubborn?). I am just thrilled to get something in him. He liked the potato soup at this meal!

Reading has become more and more fun. Now the touch and feel type books he touches on his own when we turn the page. He also opens flap books on his own.

Henry is into everything...including all the drawers in the house. Sigh. He LOVES to get into the DVD and diaper drawer and make a huge mess. It brings him such joy that I hate to take it away, but we actually put stops on these drawers just a few days later. They still open enough, however, for Henry to stick his little hand in there and pull stuff out....just at a slower rate! Oh well, we tried.

Again in the kitchen at the towel drawer, his other fave.

I just thought this was so cute....note even sure what he is eating here, but he sure is happy about it isn't he? :) Wouldn't it be funny if adults clapped and squealed every time they got something they loved to eat?

The wknd of Jan 26 we made a trip to Knoxville to see the Zorios and had a super time! Here we are before heading to UT to see a basketball game.

In front of the stadium.
Henry was a good boy for the whole game and just watched and clapped for the longest time. He also made friends with the people behind us. He got sleepy at the end and was able to get a short nap in.
We had fun checking out our alma mater and going back to some of the buildings where we had class (all those years ago!).
We also got to see our old friends the Gibsons while visiting TN. Here are the 5 kids together!

Jessica & Carter, Me & Henry, Andrea & Olivia

Our new nightly routine:) Henry loves getting thrown all around after bath on our bed.

Look at that grin! You should hear him laugh and laugh.

Sweet boy

Grandma came to visit one weekend and kept Henry at home Friday because he had another ear infection. He was not quite himself, but still had fun with her! Here he is playing a game of peek-a-boo around the corner.

Playing with toys with Grandma.

It also worked out great for her to come because I was helping with a baby shower that Saturday, so while I made treats she played with Henry! Doesn't the baby shower table look great? Congrats, Julie! Can't wait to meet baby girl #2!

Caught Henry giving Maggie a hug while standing up....with a puzzle piece in his mouth and no pants on!:)

Happy boy one night before bed. He has gotten to be quite animated before bed. I guess he is running on fumes:)

Henry still doesn't love he is checking out a strawberry with a lot of skepticism.

Deciding to try it...

Deciding it is more fun just to smash the pieces than actually eat it.
New shades for when we visit my folks at the beach in Feb. He was quite proud of these!

This pic was from an early Jan. visit to see my folks in TN.

We stopped in to see my Grandma at the assisted living was quite an ordeal to even get a pic of all 4 of us, and this is the best we could do! She loved talking to Henry.

Snapped a shot of Henry eating his very first french fry...he was a fan, of course!

He is all about giving hugs these days and Maggie usually obliges.

Henry watching Dada one afternoon at the driving range. He kept crawling over to Steven's ball that was on the tee and taking it off (even though there were lots more all around for him to grab).

Another first...this time goldfish! He has become a fan of these as well!