Brisk Me Away


Annie-22 months!

Annie has been Miss Independent this month-she's hitting 2 a little early! Crazy, really, how big she is getting so fast. She's lots of fun and keeps us entertained for sure. Here's a little bit about her month.

-"What's that noise?" is the #1 thing we've heard from Annie this month. It's hilarious and cracks all three of us up. She asks us 50X a day. She notices EVERY noise...every bird, truck, bump in the road, etc. When the car parks, she says, "Ok! We're here!" and gets all excited. She gets startled easily and when something like an airplane goes by she comes to us like a magnet. She is certainly into self time she asked for the garage door to be opened, so I went to do it, and when I came back she was lying on her belly in the middle of the drive saying, "What's that noise??" She had bailed out when she heard it open!!

-We traveled A LOT this month-to Iowa and to Gulf Shores, and she really was a trooper the whole time. She just asked for book after book to keep herself entertained.

-While in Iowa, we discovered her total love for kitties (Aunt Jeanette has several "wild" farm kitties). She got SO, SO animated over them! She wanted to go outside all the time and see them, and as soon as she saw them she just couldn't stop talking. She said, "What are you doing here? Are you hiding? Are you sleeping/eating? Come here! Come over here (motioning with her hands)." All that in a row as she was bent down to their level to talk to was so, so cute. I wish I had gotten it on video.

-She also loved Grandma DeWitt's baby dolls. She loved brushing their hair and would say, "Want to brush hair, baby?"

-We got to visit the St. Louis zoo on our return trip, and Steven is so good to let the kids get something from the gift shop after a special visit like this (the cheapskate in me cringes at this, so it's good he is the other half of the parental unit in the family, bc I know it really is special for kids to get to do that kind of thing!). Anyway, Annie got a monkey (orangutan), and she was SO taken with it. She would just stare at its face and talk to it. She gave it kisses and on the first part of the car ride, she would just talk and talk and say stuff like, "Let's play, monkey! I love you, monkey. You awake, monkey? Shhh....night, night, monkey." (covering him up with her blankie) It made whatever we paid for it totally worth it. She's been sleeping with it ever since, too.

-Anytime she sees letters or numbers (signs, welcome mats, etc), she says, "A! Look, mommy! A!" She knows A is "her" letter and all letters are A, right?

-She painted a palm branch on palm Sunday, and when we picked her up from nursery, she was SO, SO proud and the first thing she said was, "Look, mommy! I paint! Look!" and showed us. So cute-and of course she had to hold it the whole way to get bubba and head to the car.

-Some of her independent streak this month-She will NOT let me carry her bag (owl lunchbox) in to school. She MUST carry it. Even if her arms are full of so many other things, she will try over and over to carry it herself as she drops it all and falls herself and scrapes her knee. One of her biggest meltdowns this month was at church (when she was exhausted of course) after nursery, she really wanted to carry her bag, paper, and sippy. Boy oh, boy, you should have seen the fits when she eventually had to be picked up. She wants to put on her own shoes and socks (impossible), so this usually ends in a melt down when we have to take over. She wants to buckle herself in her car seat! She ALWAYS buckles the chest buckle herself now! This started out as a struggle because at first she couldn't do it or would wait and wait (to prolong the suspense of the click) that we had to do it for her to get going, but now she just does it herself every time! It's actually really nice! She says things like, "I do it. I got it. Annie do it. NO!! Annie do it!!!" There is a song out right now that says, "My name is, no. My sign is, no. My number is, no...blah, blah, blah. You need to let it go. Untouchable, untouchable" or something like that. Anyway, this reminds us of our girl!! While these things are frustrating, I also love that she is already wanting to make her own way! She's gonna be my big helper one day soon, I can see.

 Other phrases/things this  month:
-I'm a little pee pot (for I'm a little tea pot)
-Is Daddy here? Where is Daddy?
-Whole nana, please.
-says "heavy" when being held (as she re-adjusts herself!)
-jingle bells! (singing when sees sleigh in a book)
-starting to know the colors green/yellow/pink
-candy!! (when sees it in vending machines). Calls most sweets cupcakes (even pancakes).
-brights! sunny! loud! (different comments she makes)
-Let's run! I go upstairs!
-Swimming pool!
-Blows nose and says, "Eeew! Yucky!" Sees bugs or frog in book and says, "Eeew! Yucky!"
-I wanna hold your hand, mamma.
-Hi, bub! Come here, bub! (come here is my fave new phrase of hers-it's "cuh-hee-uh")
-There it is! I found it!
-Watch a movie! (she lasts about 10 minutes)
-Big! (about a noticeably tall/big lady walking by-we got a kick out of this!)
-Booster! (at restaurant). Bye, taco! (when leaving restaurant). She says bye to whatever we are leaving ALL the time!:)
-We were sitting on the sofa, and she all of the sudden said, "Oh!" then hopped down and stopped and turned around with her hand out-palm open- and said, "I'll be right back. I'll be right back." then proceeded to go and turn her noise machine off that we'd forgotten to do after nap. It cracked me up and was so cute. 

We love you, sweet girl! You are growing up so fast...slow down a bit, ok!!??

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