Brisk Me Away


Annie-21 months!

Here are a few notes on Annie this past month-she's a growing girl!!

More new words and phrases (I can't keep up with them all, but I have fun trying!):
Henry turned 4 on the 26th, and he was being asked how old he was by a family member on Facetime. He said, I'm four, and Annie piped up and said, I'm four, too!! and (no kidding) held up four fingers to show them! Steven and I couldn't believe it and cracked up! 
Cookie monster! Curious George!
When asked who her friends are, she recites them all...Owen! Scarlett! Ian! Baby Reid!Jaycee!
I wanna sit down
lotion-I want some, hand sanitizer (han sah-tie-suh)-I want some
Bubba? Where are you? Bubba? BUUUUUUUUBBBA!!! I see you, Bubba! (she also calls him Henny, but not nearly as much as bubba).
It was time to get out of the tub and she said-No! I wanna stay!
In the  morning when we leave her room she says, Bye, bye paci! Bye, bye blankie!
She's upset about messes she sees (like on the floor), and says-Oh, no! Mess Mommy! While gesturing to it with a sweeping hand  motion.
Ready, set, go!
Plays a game where she pretends to lay down and says, Asleep! Then pops up and says, Awake! She will often say Awake! as the first thing when we walk into her room in the morning or after nap.
When we put her in the shopping cart, she says, I want to buckle! and works and works at snapping herself in. She also looked at both ends of the strap at the buckle parts and said, 2 buckles!!
After church one afternoon she kept saying over and over again, I love you, Jason! (church nursery worker that spoils her)
I want juice, too! (when she saw Bubba getting it)...that really goes for anything he gets. She says, I want (fill in the blank), too!!
Annie's turn/Annie do it! (seriously.)
Turn the page, the end, good book
Hop on pop! and Monkey book! (over and over again-the girl loves books)
Ouch! Hurt me. Right there.
Bee-ma (for Grandma)
She's so sensitive to anyone sneezing or coughing or anything like that and ALWAYS says, Bless you! and adds their name if she knows it.
Fell down book, fell down ball (after she drops it)
Stop! (sounds like fop), Hey! (both super sassy and like she's been wronged. ha!)
I wanna play. Play here. (when we are walking in the house from the car from being out and need to go straight to bed but she wants to get down and play!)
Princess! Cinderella! (both so clear)
Yep! and Got it!
After hearing a baby crying when we were out-Baby sad. Sad baby. It's OK sad baby.
When we ask her a question and she doesn't know the answer, she just says, ummmm...ummmm. Over and over. Sometimes I can tell she's trying to start talking to us in her car seat, but all she can come up with is, mommy? (yes, Annie?). Ummm...ummm.

She's been sensitive to noises this month and runs to us and clings tight until it passes.
She had her first bubble bath this month-oh, the joy it brings now!
She gasps all the time, then says whatever she was going to say (Gasp! Look, mama!!! Gasp! Oh, no! Mess!!). She also always is pointing to things and saying "ooh"!! in a high pitched little girl way.
I trimmed her hair again this month. She now asks for a bow if she doesn't have one. She appreciates her hair being out of her eyes now!
She got hand, foot, and mouth this month from church nursery. It was a milder version than what Henry had a few years ago, and she was a trooper through it.
Went to a hockey game this month and she was all eyes-clapping and bouncing to the music and action/entertainment.
She's had a few time outs this month and does very well with it. She is upset, but says "sorry" on her own without being asked. Now when brother has been in time out for something and he is suppose to be apologizing to her after, she is the first one to go to him and say, Sorry, Bubba. Sorry. even though she's not the one in trouble. It's so cute!:)
She's added some of the teens to her counting. They aren't in order necessarily, but she is definitely adding them into the mix! 13, 14, 16...
She's such an awesome eater (except with H,F,M this month). She LOVES pizza and when she sees it on TV or somewhere she gets so excited and points and squeals and says, pizza! pizza! When we are loading in the car to go eat somewhere and tell her we are going to eat, she will automatically say, Yeah! Pizza! and get so pumped to go get it (even though that may not be where we are going!)
Her book obsession continues. She will have 3 books, and bring them all to you and ask to read. While you are reading one she is paging through the other and when you get near the end of the first book, she is already begging for you to read the next one. She's a mess! She will follow us around the house with a book in hand and say over and over, I wanna read book, Mamma. I wanna read. Even if I've read to her a ton already that day!
She's gotten to where she likes certain spots to plop to look through books-with her back up against any wall or in the 2 corners in the kitchen-she backs right into them and just looks and looks through whatever book (or 2 or 3) she has.
She's willing to do stairs, but she wants to hold our hand. She is much more cautious than Henry ever was in this department. Granted, we had stairs in our old house and he got LOTS more practice than she ever has, but she just also has a much more cautious personality in some ways than he does. Yet in some ways, she seems like a wild thing and a dare devil. I'm interested to see what she will actually be like as she grows
Book lover!!

Where is my nose, Annie?

Where is YOUR nose?

Where is your tongue?

Where is your hair?

Where is your hair bow?

She loves to keep tabs on everyone. In the car she will call our name over and over. When we respond she will go to the next person in the family. So it goes: Hi, Mama. (Hi, Annie). Hi, Dada. (Hi, Annie). Hi, Bubba. Hi, Bubba. Buuuubba??!! (Hi, Annie). Then she will repeat the round over and over again!
She especially loves to keep tabs on Dada. Where'd Dada go? (He's at work) Oh. Bye Dada! I love you! Bye bye Daddy. (when we are pulling out of the garage in the mornings).
She's great about saying, I love you and it's so sweet.
She loves to pray before meals and hold hands and starts to sing God Our Father...She loves the Amen! at the end and says it enthusiastically. 

We can't believe how big you are getting, Anne girl. You are such a snuggly, sweet thing. We love your sassy spirit, and hearing you talk it a pleasure. Can't wait to see what next month has in store for you!

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