Brisk Me Away


Henry is 6.5!

 A lot happens in 6 months when you are 6! Here is a bit about our boy.

Henry is a sweetheart. He is very tenderhearted and thoughtful. He loves to give gifts and will work and work on something, then wrap it just perfectly to give it (usually to me or someone else in the family). He is artistic and musical. He uses all of his free time to draw or color and is always singing and humming. He will listen to music and pick it apart mentally, then the next thing we know he is singing it word for word perfectly. It is pretty amazing! Many people stop us and tell us what a great voice he has. He took piano classes this summer (8wk session), and would love to continue that when he gets a little older. He enjoyed it!
He also took golf lessons this summer, and has continued that into the school year on and off depending on the weather. Our friend at church is a teacher, so it has worked well. He and Steven will go out in the yard and hit fairly frequently, and it's amazing to see the improvement he's made!
 He played soccer in fall-very spur of the moment! Annie wanted to play, but he hadn't shown a whole lot of interest and said he didn't want to again (our 2 ayso experiences haven't been the best), then at the last minute we offered it one more time, and he said yes. He did great! He was one of the older kids on the team, and I think that helped boost his confidence. We saw more aggression our of him than before.He also played baseball in spring and had a good experience. There were times when he enjoyed it, and times when he didn't. Baseball demands a lot of time, so it was kind of exhausting! What he should probably be in is swimming-he is an awesome swimmer, and it comes very naturally to him! He is a little fish-we are looking into a swim team for him.
Henry lost his first tooth in July! He was so excited-pulled it himself, and immediately said he wished it had happened at school! He lost the bottom one right beside it just a few weeks later. It really changed his look! Another reminder that he is growing up....I had to swallow hard when it happened:) He learned to tie his shoes right as he turned 6, so that's helpful! We also got him an alarm for school this year, so he gets up himself and gets going in the morning. This has proven to work well for him. For some reason he pops right up with the alarm, but when we were waking him he was struggling to wake up.
Henry started 1st grade in August and is teacher is Mrs. Padgett. He is always happy to go and is learning a lot. He says his favorite classes are art, Grammar, Science, and handwriting (he has beautiful cursive when he gives his best effort!). I homeschool him on M/W, and we are at home full time on these days which is a change from other years. It has been good! I can add that he is a good little math student, and that he is improving greatly in reading, but it is not his favorite still. I am hoping this will change! He loves to be read to (more Boxcar Children, Stewart Little, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Mouse and the Motercycle are a few), but he'd rather not read himself. We will continue to work on this! Steven helps by teaching Henry his Monday math lesson on Sunday which lightens our load on Mondays. Then on Wednesday my mom has been coming to entertain the girls while we do school which is a HUGE help! He's making some good buddies at school-Abby, Sarah Elizabeth, Thomas, and Jackson are a few.
A few other little tidbits
Special relationship with cousins-especially Layna (major fort building occurs with those 2)
Iowa (this was actually in March, but I'm not sure I wrote it down anywhere)-played and played with Grandma DeWitt (bells, colored together, made up a story/play, hide and seek)
Anne Poodle Noodle
Worry Eater-I'll tell you my worries after I dream
Saw a doughnut place called "Heavenly Doughnut Company" and said, Mom, they're God doughnuts!
He likes older kids
We were sitting down for dinner one night and I was telling Steven my tummy had been feeling kinda funny that day, and I didn't think Henry was even paying attention. He looked up hopefully and said, "Baby?!?!" (sorry to burst your bubble there buddy)
There's so much more, but I will stop. We love you, little dude! You sure are a sweet guy. Can't wait to watch you continue to grow and learn.

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