Brisk Me Away


**Annie is 4.5**

Annie turned 4 and a half over Thanksgiving. She is getting so tall, that everyone thinks she's at least 5, but it's still a shock for this mama! Annie is still a spunky, sassy, sweet little girl. Below is a little about her at this age. She's lots of fun and growing like little weed!

Annie is a great sibling. She is a little mama through and through and is so caring toward her little sister. She helps me with things like unbuckling Ruby, helping distract her when she's sad, or picking up things she's dropped. She's a good little reporter and lets me know when Ruby is into something she shouldn't be or needs something. She and Henry also have the best time together playing and imagining. She get into all kinds of mischief together-particularly building forts or playing babies or family or hiding from me. I try to let them have at it, but sometimes I have to put a halt on their play when I hear doors opening that should be or the sink turning on...
Henry says he wants to be an architect, and Annie says she wants to be a unicorn trainer. That is a really great way to describe the difference in their personalities! She is all girl-loves anything princess, unicorn, all make up, lotion, getting her nails done, etc. She is a real girly girl. She loves babies (dolls and real babies), stuffed animals, anything cute and cuddly. At the same time, she can be a tough cookie and plays hard outside and doesn't mind getting dirty and sweaty. She is more interested in riding toys than Henry and will speed down the driveway on her zebra. She also loves the battery powered Jeep and drives it all over the yard.
She played soccer this fall (first time for her to do a group sport) and she was great! Had a good attitude and was a great listener. She's a good runner and has some aggression that her brother lacks! She also started ballet this fall and takes once a week. She loves it!! I am amazed at how well she does (because sometimes at home she lets her true colors show I guess!) at ballet! She listens and follows directions. She is a great example to the others there, and she is always happy to go. She loves to dance around the house and show us what she is learning. She loves to put on her ballet gear and would stay in costume all day if I would let her. She may end up doing ballet for a while-we will see! She has a recital in May and is so excited about it already.
Annie goes to PreK at my school on T, TH, and F. She loves it and does great there! She loves her buddies Connor and Owen, and she learns so much! She has rest time there in the afternoons, but does not sleep. She will still have rest time at home, too, on M/W and usually does fall asleep in her own bed. She probably still naps 2-3 times a week (usually once on the weekend). She naps REALLY well if Steven will lay down with her. She is such a snuggler, and she loves to do that (so does he!). She still has to sleep with her blankie and stuffed animals (her favorite one varies depending on the week). And she loves her Hello Kitty pillow and mermaid blanket.
Annie writes her name well and knows all the basic PreK stuff she should know-coloring in the lines, cutting, sorting, colors, numbers, letters, and many sounds.  She learns different verses at school and she also learns all the little jingles about vowel sounds, etc. We have decided to wait and let her go to PreK one more year, so next year I plan to work with her more seriously to get her ready for Kindergarten.
Annie is still a sassy girl and can have quite the attitude, but is also very tenderhearted and loving at the same time. She is maturing, and we can see a lot of change in her each month. Annie does not seem to be a performer like her brother (he's always ready to sing or recite for you or a stranger). She needs to know you and has to be in the right mood to perform. She also doesn't love new people and when people give her compliments out and about or smile at her, she isn't sure how to respond. We are working on this! But I think it's just part of her personality. She really loves one on one time and craves that quality time with the ones she loves. She needs hugs and demonstrative love!
She cries big time over getting her hair brushed-it hurts according to her-but she starts the waterworks before I start the brushing! She certainly has a dramatic streak about things like this. Annie wakes up happy, especially if she is allowed to wake up on her own. She is SUCH a talker and will start earrrrrly with saying so much and so loud! We are constantly working on volume!
She has started loving to bake! She asks me all the time! She's had so much fun baking with her buddy Nora Kate at her house. She loves to help me cook meals at home now, and she is a great helper with cleaning at home, too. She will go super fast when I ask her to clean her room or help clean the living room or playroom, and she does a great job! She has the task oriented focus that some other children lack in this house! She also loves to get a wipe and clean whatever I ask her-it's great!
Annie still has all her own 'isms' and the crack us up. Some recent things she's said are:
What in the goodness??
Good lands!
I feel my heart beep!
Mommy? I just love you! (just the 2 of us sitting together)
When they are a different color, they speak a different language.
There's so much more, but I need to stop. We love you sweet Anne girl, and can't believe you are on your way to being five! You are growing up way to fast for this mama! 

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