Brisk Me Away


Annie-10 months!

Annie turned 10  months old on 3/26. EEK!! Crazy. She had her 9 month appointment on 3/16 and here where her stats: weight was 17lbs, 4oz (25%), height was 28in (75%), and her head circumference was in the 10th percentile. She also had an ear infection at her check up-she had had a cold and hadn't quite been herself, so I wasn't surprised. Otherwise, though, she was healthy and growing! In other Annie news from this month...

-She got her 4th and 5th tooth.
-She's getting so vocal-giggling/laughing when looking at me or my mom (for example), then will hide her face, then look again and scrunch up her nose and grin-sweet little game she does.
-She's started clapping! Love this!!
-She started clicking her tongue-I hear her from her car seat when we are driving and sometimes when I go it to get her up in the morning she's just in her crib clicking away. She will copy us when we click our tongue, too. Cutie!!
-She started using a walker. She pushes it backward all over the place (outside), but hasn't figured out how to go forward yet. 
-She's started sitting in the actual stroller rather than in the carrier in the stroller (sometimes the single and sometimes in the double with bubba), and she gets SO much attention from strangers over this! She just looks so big and sits up so tall and holds on to the front like she is on a roller coaster ride or something. She takes everything in and has never fussed yet. Seriously! Knock on wood....:)
-She loves food and accepts everything. SO, SO, SO different than her brother. She's tried yogurt, yogurt melts, biter biscuit things, potato soup, cheese, macaroni, bread, spaghetti, chicken, blueberries, oranges, watermelon, crackers, broccoli, pizza, and so much more.
-She has had sippy cup success...using the same cup that Henry finally figured out, too! It's the AVENT one with no stopper and a very soft mouth part.
-She's getting used to church nursery...we have gotten pages a couple of times for her:( she seems to be able to hold it together now that she's been a few times, but as we arrive to pick her up and as soon as she sees us she breaks down sobbing as if to say, "Why did you leave me?? I thought you'd never come back!!"
-She sits in front of her basket of toys and pulls them all out herself. It's so cute to watch her "work"!
-She pulls her bow out of her hair and then plays with it, we find bows all over the car now, her hair is growing over ears and makes her look different!
-She's saying Dadda (we think)-she definitely did at big spring park anyway when he was trying to get her to smile and look at the camera. She's been saying mama and bubba for a while now. She's also working on waving and saying bye, but I wouldn't say she's mastered it yet.
-She uses her pincher fingers to pick up food and trash off floor (she was really doing this last month)
-She is rolling around on floor more, but is still not crawling, she will get in crawl "stance" with help, but just flops down after a minute. Her arms are really strong and she will raise up and look around for forever, but she just gets frustrated over her knees/legs. It will come! I'm in no hurry!
-Sometimes when I hold an item in front of her to take, she looks at it for a long time, then grabs it with both hands simultaneously really quickly. We say it's like a spider going after its prey! 
-She gives a forced/fake laugh a lot. It's hard to describe, but so funny! It's definitely a "signature" Annie trait.

We love you, sweet Annie!! We are having so much fun watching you grow and can't wait to see what you do next month!
I had to include this one of a "fit" she was throwing. She wanted my camera strap, and she wouldn't sit up straight for me, but kept slumping and fussing in protest. she is oh, so happy when she got my strap. It is amazing how quickly kids can turn on and off their fits:)

She found her sticker and wouldn't leave it alone...

Brother had to get in on the photo shoot, too.

Let me at that camera, mom!! I'm 10 months old and curious!!

1 comment:

Andy said...

she is such a cutie. love seeing your blog posts about your kids and them growing up. it was so good to see you guys yesterday even if it was only quickly. your kids were precious and i love how henry says my kids names and how sweet he is.