Brisk Me Away


Annie-9 months!

Feb. 26th was a big day, because not only did Henry turn 3, but our sweet little miss turned 9 months old. It's hard to believe! That's 3/4 of a year, folks! She is getting so big and is  more and more fun each day. Below are a few highlights in Annie's life right now.

-Annie wakes up SO, SO happy in the morning. Her whole body is wiggling and squirming with joy! When I pick her up she just about jumps out of my arms! She squeals and "says" good morning to everyone she sees-she especially loves to squeal at her brother and cranes her neck around to see him first thing!

-She has had mum mums and Cheerios this month and has done great with both. She was interested in the banana I was eating, so I gave her some bites and she ate it like a little baby bird:) It reminded me of Fern-bananas were his favorite treat, and he ate them just like her! I think she is going to transition very well to real food. I smush up banana in her morning cereal and she eats that great. I also let her take a sip of my water from a regular cup, and she did it easy peasy and wanted more! Guess I will be pulling out the sippy cups for her soon! She eats lots of baby food still, and does very well with the squeezie pouches, too. She sucks them down in one or two gulps and they are just so easy-I love them! She seems to, too!

-More and more, Annie is proving to be a very laid back little girl. She is super sweet and just goes with the flow. She lets me set her down anywhere and just chills out and plays/watches what is going on around her. She will go to anyone right now, too, which is very nice! I hope her easy going personality lasts! Steven and I find ourselves commenting to one another a lot these days about how sweet and good she is. We are falling in love with her more and more each day!:)

-Annie is sleeping very well now. She sleeps through the night consistently now, and I have stopped going in to give her a paci if she does wake up. I let her fuss a little, and she puts herself back to sleep. She sleeps from 7:30 till about 5 or sometimes 6 when I feed her and lay her back down again until about 7. Usually when she wakes up in the morning she just lays in her bed and talks and plays with her blanket and rolls around until I go get her. She's a good girl.

-Being so content has not been conducive to Annie becoming more mobile. I am fine with this, though! I know she will crawl soon enough. She rarely rolls over, but I do see her raise way up on her hands when she is in her bed on her belly and look all around. Occasionally we have seen her on her knees like this in the monitor-it usually happens when she is mad and crying! I know this is the start to more and more movement-I remember Henry doing this and then doing a "plank" move and then rocking-so I know we are on our way. Steven is better about getting her in crawling "stance" than I am. She can do it, then just flops back on her belly after a minute or two. She can be a non-mobile girl for a bit longer as far as I am concerned. I am thoroughly enjoying this phase.

-Her new tricks are shaking her head back and forth when we say "nononono". She especially does this when she has the back of her head against something like the sofa or her high chair. She also is beginning bye-bye. She will imitate us and say buhbuh and move her hand ever so slightly after we have demonstrated saying/waving bye-bye. It's not enthusiastic yet, but she's starting it! The same is true for clapping. She has done it maybe twice, but she mostly just watches me do it with the biggest grin. She is taking it all in! She's very good at "so big" now, and I love that when she does it she always tilts her head to the side at the same time. It's her own style!:)

-She got her third tooth this month. It isn't the top one, but the one to the left of the top middle, so she looks like a little snaggle tooth-just to us I'm sure, because you can barely see it and the front tooth beside it is soon to follow. It is almost through, too, but not quite!

I know there's so much more, but I will close for now. Sweet Annie, we love you so much! You are precious to us, and we (all 3!) eat up each moment we get with you! 

About the best I could do of the two of them...

I had to include this one- Big brother wanting to give love, and Annie rejecting it! She tolerates a lot, but when she's done, she's done!! Can you blame her?:)

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