Brisk Me Away


Annie-2 months!

Annie turned 8 weeks old last week, but I wanted to wait until her check up this week to write. Can it be? Two months? My, oh my, how time is flying by. We have been having a great summer, and I think every action packed day is the culprit for why summer is flying by! I am trying to soak up Annie's infancy, because I know how quickly it will go. Sometimes I make myself stop and just hold her and rock her. She's not going to be this little for long! I love snuggling my sweet girl. 
There's not a ton to report on this month...a few things are: Annie is holding her head up more and more. Steven and I get a kick out of how hard she works at this. When we put Henry to bed at night and have time just for Annie, Steven will put her on his chest and she will raise that head up and crane her neck all around, then it crashes down without warning. So cute to see her exploring her surroundings. We notices lots more smiles at 7 weeks and this past week she has just gotten more and more so. And just like her bubba, she saves her biggest smiles for her dada. It is the sweetest thing. The two of them will have a "love fest" and I just get to look on. She smiles at me some, but not like at him. While it does make me a little jealous, truth be told, it is the sweetest thing to see, so I can't get too upset! Annie goes 5-6 hours at night between feedings and has gone 7 hours on 3 different occasions, and last night she slept for 7.5! I am hoping this will extend even longer soon, but for now, I will take it. She sleeps quite a bit during the day and I have been lucky that both kids nap at the same time each day. This gives me a few hours to get stuff done and rest myself! She is growing so much, and while I do NOT like how quickly she is growing, I actually DO like that Annie is getting a little bigger. That fragile first few weeks is nerve-wracking! Today at the doctor, she weighed 11 lbs, 6 oz (75%), was 24 1/4 inches long (97%) and her head circumference was 37 1/2 cm (25%).
Annie loves to be held already. When she is upset and we get her settled by standing with her and we try to sit down, she know immediately. How is that? She still takes a paci, but has a strong opinion about it when she does not want it. She forcefully pushes it out with that tongue! No thanks, she says! Annie goes anywhere between 2 and 4 hours between feedings just depending on what is going on. She tends to "power feed" at night, so that is when those close together feedings happen. Annie does NOT appreciate a dirty diaper. Oftentimes when she is crying this ends up being the culprit. Maybe its a sign she'll be a clean freak! She is still not a fan of riding in the car, but our trip to Orlando (post to come) helped break this a little bit I hope! We get lots of comments on the red in her hair and her rashy skin!:) Both of these things remind me of her bubba, too! Although I think her hair might be a little bit more noticeable, and her rash is definitely worse. I am excited to see what color it will end up being. My guess is blonde, though! While her face is cleared up tremendously, her poor body still has rash. She and I are always clammy on one another and she sweats in the Ergo all the time, so I think it's just part of being a summer baby! 
There's much more, but I will stop. We certainly love you, Sweet Annie, and are glad you're part of our family!

Henry always says, "Hi, Annie! Hi, sweet girl!"

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