Brisk Me Away


19 months

 Henry turned 19 months old (9 days ago...grrr!). I've had everything ready on this post besides the picture for a while, then we were out of town and his pic was delayed a few days, then I had some blog malfunctions that I won't go into. I am NOT a technologically savvy person, so any little glitch throws me for a loop! :) Anyway, see below for some updates!

Henry's vocab has continued to expand, and he just talks all the time. I love to hear that little voice and am not tired of it yet, anyway! There are so many new words he's been saying this month that I can't remember them all, but here are a few highlights:

"ready? ready? jump!!"-ready is "leddy"...he has been doing this from the hearth and it's hilarious. He attempts to step down (that's his jump), and usually ends up falling on the carpet and rolling around and laughing. He does it over and over. He has also been saying "jump!" any time there is a tiny step to walk over outside. His version of jumping is different than ours, I guess!:) After he jumps, he looks back at me and says "mama?" and reaches for my hand for me to jump, too. Oh, the things you do for your kids:)
"water"-sounds like nan-no, he just can't really get this one, but he tries. I can understand what he means, although I am sure no one else can!
"pretty"-he learned this from looking at the jewelry that I wear and me saying "pretty" to him about it as he examines it. I made the mistake of saying "pretty" about some new curtains we put up, so now he looks at them and says, "pretty" rather than saying "curtains"...oops!
"worm"-this is what we call his glowworm, he says "numb" or "gnome" for it
"star"-comes out as "tar", says it when he sees them in books and sing twinkle twinkle little star
"owl? hoot, hoot!"-comes out as "ouww"
"fish"-sounds like bish, then shows us what a fish does my opening and closing his lips
"button"-for belly button. He LOVES to find our bellies by pulling up our shirts (lovely) and saying "belly?", then finds our belly button and points and says, "button!"
"where'd it go?"-with his hands up and a shrug, usually about a ball he can't find or an airplane
"outside"-his favorite place in the world! This is not very clear and often sounds like "all done", but sometimes is more like "ouw tide?"
"uh huh"-he has just started this, and I know it is not a good habit, but it is SO cute. He has always wanted to respond/get approval for what he's saying, and always before would nod his head "yes". Evidently he has already picked up on our slang, though, and says this quite a bit. We gotta start practicing saying "yes!" around here more....or better yet, "yes, m'am or yes sir!" He is saying uh huh ALL the time now.
"yep!"-several times he has repeated this after we've said it, although it is not as frequent as "uh huh".
"hi, guys!"-I am almost positive this is what he is saying, although I don't know where he got it from. He will say, "hi, hi, hi duys" when we are walking in to school and wave his hand
"chicken"-perfectly clear
"peas"-frozen peas are still a big success. So strange.
"airplane"-sounds like "ah pain". Says it when he sees one flying by, then watches it til it's out of sight, then says "where'd it go?" then "bye bye!" It's amazing how much he's putting together.
"trash"-picking up trash on the floor (ummm...I'm not the best housekeeper I guess), the going to the trashcan and throwing it away is a new favorite activity. 
"arm", "back", "leg"-new body part words!
"Backson"-from Winnie the Pooh CD
He's interested in colors and although he does not know them yet, he will repeat the ones we tell him: red, green, blue, yellow, purple. I think it's just a matter of time before he gets them, though!

School friends-he can say all their names and has done it without any tutelage from us. One day after school he just came home saying, "Ellis?" "Ellis?" SO clear! His other friend is "Braeden" without the r. One morning when I went to get him out of bed he was just standing there saying, "Baeden? Baeden?" (which is better than coming in to him saying "poo poo" which has happened, too, and he really did have a dirty diaper!). He usually says, "Ellis? Baeden? baby? There are 4 together everyday, and one of them is a "baby" who just turned one whose name is John Lane. After he says baby, I say "John Lane?" and he does his best to repeat it. One day a week another baby comes in with her mom to watch the kids, and that baby's name is Patty. She said as soon as they walked in, Henry started saying "Patty? Patty?" (strong t sound!). He had remembered her from the week before! She is just a few months older, so they'll get along great.By far, though, his favorite to says is Ellis, and he slips it in all the time.

Speaking of school, it is going SO much better. I knew that it would, but now that we've made the transition, it is so nice. That first week was rough, but since then it's been smooth sailing! He is happy when we walk in, waving and saying "hi" to everyone we pass. He wants to get down and play, and squeals when his friends (Ellis especially) walk in to nursery, too. He still doesn't eat great there, but honestly, he doesn't always eat that great for me either, so it's a wash I guess. He does not nap as well there on TTH, but he does sleep around two hours, whereas at home he sleeps about 3. At least 5 days out of 7 he is getting that longer nap. On MWF, he usually falls asleep in the car on the way home, so it really works perfectly for  me to have a couple hrs at home to get some schoolwork done. On TTH, I don't touch it, though, since we don't have that long together on those days.

He gets way too much attention at church. We take him into the service as long as we can (usually just during singing) so that he is not in nursery for such a long time if we are trying to go to both Sun school and service again. This past Sunday, he echoed the preacher say "amen" twice, and then when the worship leader said it again rather enthusiastically after a song, Henry yelled "AMEN" really loud right after her. Of course everyone around us thought it was so cute, especially the old ladies:) He also just grins and flirts with whoever sits beside or right behind us. Not sure how much longer we will get to bring him w us:) We went through a phase of him not really wanting to go into church nursery, but as long as he is rested, he seems happy to go. This past Sunday he just marched right in and held up his arms for the worker to take him!

Henry is loving holding our hands and walking now-like through stores. And he wants BOTH of our hands if Steven and I are both around. If Steven is holding his hand, he stops and says, "hand? mama? mama?" or vice versa. It can easily go awry in stores, but as long as we keep a tight grip and do not let him taste true freedom (ha!) he loves it. If he's able to get into something on a shelf and we try to get him away, all heck breaks loose, though! Just ask Steven about our Hobby Lobby experience!:) When it is just me, I always use the stroller. I would never do the hand holding thing on my own! He seems to have learned, though, that it is a special privilege and is all smiles during it.

Henry continues to LOVE music and singing. He often sings all the way to school in the morning, and I love hearing that sweet babble from the backseat. Henry has loved "This is the way the lady rides" for a long time (where we put him on our knee and go through the song with him), but just recently he has started saying the "hobbildy horse" part all on his own and moving his head side to side while he says it. He is trying to re-live his favorite part I guess! He's also added "Jesus Loves Me" to the songs he likes to sing, and will chime in with ME and SO at the end of each line. His ABC's are getting clearer and clearer, too! Another favorite is "Ba, Ba, Blacksheep" and he will say the "baa, baa ", "wool", "yes", and "full" parts when it comes time for them. I have a CD of the Over in the Meadow song that he loves, too, and will repeat all the animal noises along with it. Most recently, his very favorite song/activity has been "Ring Around the Rosey"....with the "down!" being the highlight. He lights up when we actually DO ring around the rosey with him and he tries to "fall down" way before it is time. He's very dramatic about his fall:) Also, one or two rounds of this is NEVER enough and he begs for more, more, more (hand? please? more?). It usually ends in tears, poor guy, because he would do it all night if he could!:)
This is a good example of Henry's opinionated self...he is pretty focused and bossy at times:) Sometimes he can be so laid back, too, but there are certain things that are REALLY important to him and he lets us know about it for sure! 

We love this age. Henry is so much fun and learning so much. Everyday is an adventure for sure. We love you, little man!!

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